Never Make Momma Bear Angry

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"Wake up Alexis! We are going to be late!" Hermione says, shaking me.

"Late to what?" I ask groggily.

"Breakfast! We have to walk Ron to the train after! It's practically Christmas break!" Hermione replies. I groan, but slowly get out of bed and get dressed. We head to the Great Hall and start eating. I am the first to finish between Harry, Hermione, and me.

"We have to stay out of trouble over holiday break." I say.

"Definitely." Harry and Hermione says. I notice Draco walking towards us.

"Malfoy is coming this way. If he says anything mean or rude, I am going to punch him in the face." I say.

"Me too. Maybe I'll break his nose like Harry did." Hermione says. Lately she's been letting herself joke around and have fun. It's nice to see.

"Well, who would know we'd have another charity case, this time it's the filthy mudblood." Draco sneers. I see red as I jump up and punch him in the face. I hear many gasps, and then Hermione stands up.

"I am sick of being called a mudblood, and I won't take it anymore, especially from a prat like you!" She yells before she hitting him square in the nose. I hear a satisfying crack and then Mom, Dad and Sev show up behind us. Sev takes Draco to the infirmary after he finds out what happened. Once he is gone, Mom gives us each 2 swats and then grabs our ears and takes us to their quarters.

"I'm sorry! He's just a bloody prat who needs to learn to shut his mouth!" I say, yelping when Dad swats me and warns me to stop cussing.

"Alexis Faith! Hermione Sage! What were you two thinking!?" Mom practically yells. She takes a deep breath, and then delivers some bad news. Neither of us realized how bad until a few minutes later.

"I'm going to spank you this time instead of your Dad." Mom says.

"Please don't spank us!" I beg.

"We won't do it again!" Hermione tries.

"Too late." Mom says. Dad exits the room.

"Hermione go to the corner. Alexis, come over here." Mom says as she sits on the couch. We obey slowly. As soon as I get there, Mom tips me over her knee and bares my bottom.

"You are getting 20 with my hand and 25 with the hairbrush because you have done this before." I nod, and Mom starts.



The last five were very hard and I was sobbing and laying limp over Mom's lap. Me and Hermione traded places and she got 20 with Mom's hand and 10 with the brush. Once it was over, we cuddled and then Mom took us to the Gryffindor common rooms to meet with Harry and Ron. Soon, it is time to go to the train. We walk Ron there and wait until the train leaves. Once it is gone, we head back to the castle.

"Why did you two do that?" Sev says as soon as we get back in the castle.

"He called me, Harry and Hermione charity cases and then called Hermione a filthy mudblood." I explain.

"Next time, come to one of us." Remus says.

"Trust me, there will be no more hitting! Mom made sure of that!" I say. Hermione agrees. Soon we are all packed and we head to our house. By the time we get home and unpacked, it is bedtime. Hermione, Harry, and I go to bed without arguments. I sleep peacefully through the night.

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