Forbidden Forest Trouble

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"Wake up, Alexis." Mom says gently, as she rubs my back. I groan and bury my face in my pillow.

"You'll be hit with cold water in 5 seconds." she warns. I jump out of be immediately and Mom chuckles. I get dressed and head to the Great Hall. I sit down and pile food on my plate when it appears. I finish eating before everyone else, so I start a conversation about family.

"Hermione, is your muggle family structure anything like ours?" I ask.

"Not much. I have a Mom and Dad, but no siblings, obviously no magic, and my parents starve and ignore me when I'm in trouble. They don't take their time to punish me like your parents." she says sadly.

"But, that's abuse! They can't starve you for a punishment! That's illegal!" I say angrily.

"There's nothing I can do. At least they don't beat me like Harry's relatives did." Hermione points out.

"I guess. You can tell our Mom and Dad." Harry says suddenly.

"I can't impose on your family." Hermione says.

"FINE! DON'T LET US HELP THEN! COME FIND ME WHEN YOU GROW UP AND DECIDE TO TELL THEM!" I yell and run out of the Great Hall. I run until I am out of breath. I look around and realize I am in the Forbidden Forest. I sit down and think. I know I shouldn't have yelled like that. I feel bad because I hurt her feelings, but I'm still angry that she would think she was imposing on our family.

"Alexis Faith Dumbledore! You worried all of us when we couldn't find you!" I hear Sirius exclaim. He pulls me into a hug and I start crying.

"What happened, and why in Merlin's name are you in the FORBIDDEN FOREST!?" Sirius  gently at first, then angrily.

"I can't tell you. Hermione will be mad." I mumble. I try to get out of  Sirius's grasp to run and be alone, but he just swat my backside 5 times hard and then picks me up and starts carrying me to the castle.

"Owwww!" I whine, trying to get down.

"There's more where that came from and Dad hears you were in the Forbidden Forest. Now stoop struggling." Sirius says. I give in and stop moving. We get to the castle way too soon for my liking. Sirius puts me down and lets me walk, but he holds onto my arm so I can't run away. We get to Dad's office and Sirius knocks. Dad tells us to enter. When I get there, Sev, Remus, Harry, Mom ,and Hermione were all there. Hermione looked like she'd been crying. Sirius lets go of me and I run to her and hug her.

"I'm sorry that I yelled at you! I was just angry at what you'd said!" I say, starting to cry again. Soon we let go of each other.

"Want to tell Dad where I found you?" SIrius prompts me. I shake my head/

"You do it or I will." Sirius says.

"The Forbidden Forest." I mumble.

"Repeat that louder." Mom says.

"The Forbidden Forest." I say loud enough for them to hear it.

"You know what that means, don't you?" Dad says.

"Yes. It means I get a spanking."I say sadly.

"Exactly, but that can wait. Now, What is going on? I know it has to do with you Hermione. Care to tell me what's going on?" Dad asks.

"Do I have to?" she asks.

"You do it or I will." I say.

"My parents starve me and yell at me and tell me I'm worthless and stupid. Once I got my Hogwarts letter, they started calling me a freak. They tell me they don't love me and that I was a mistake." Hermione says sobbing at the last part. Mom pulls her close and hugs her.

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