Talking About the Issue With Draco

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"Wake up Hermione!" I say.

"I'm up! Why are you up without being nagged?" she says, obviously surprised.

"I couldn't sleep. I'm sorry I got you spanked yesterday." I say sadly.

"I shouldn't have lied, or been rude by laughing. I barely feel anything now." Hermione says.

"I still feel a lot." I say, wincing with the memory.

"I'm sure. Let's go eat." she says. We meet the boys in the common room.

"How bad did you get it Ron?" Hermione asks.

"I got 15 with the wooden spoon from home. I hope she doesn't still send a Howler."he says, wincing in memory. We head to the Great Hall and Harry, Ron and me sit down slowly. Hermione sits down normally.

"Were you not punished?"Ron asks Hermione.

"Dumbledore is my magical guardian, so he spanked me, but I didn't get it as hard as you three did. It was just 15 swats with his hand. I don't wish to repeat it though." Hermione tells him.

"What about you two?" Ron asks me and Harry.

"I got 15 with his hand and 15 with the hairbrush." I say.

"I got 15 with his hand and 10 with the hairbrush." Harry says.

"Let's leave this topic and eat. We have Care of Magical Creatures first, then Transfiguration, then Charms, and then Divination last." I say. They agree and we eat. We walk out to Care of Magical Creatures, laughing the whole way. We talk until Hagrid starts class. We stand there and listen to him as he explains about the Hippogriff named Buckbeak. After Care of Magical Creatures, we head to Transfiguration. We walk in and sit in the front two rows. We transfigure buttons into plates, and all 4 of us get it after the first few times. On our way to lunch, we run into Remus right as we call Draco and his friends some horrible names that Dad wouldn't approve of at all.

"Care to explain what you just said and what happened last night?" He says, glaring intensely.

"Alexis Faith! Harry James! One of you answer me right now!" Remus says when we don't answer. I cross my arms and glare back. When nobody answers, he gets angrier.

"Ron, go to class and tell Professor Flitwick that the others wont be there. Alexis, Harry, and Hermione, you had better follow me." Remus says. We run to keep up, not wanting to be in more trouble. He takes us by surprise by not taking us to Dad, but to his classroom. Once we are inside, he shuts, locks, and places a silencing charm on the door.

"I am much calmer after the walk here. If you don't answer me, that will change. If I have to spank you, Dad will too. He has asked me to talk to you three about last night and what will happen in the future, at least while we are at Hogwarts. Now, why don't you want to talk about last night?" Remus asks calmly.

"Sev doesn't like me or Alexis anymore because we hurt Draco!" Harry says, as he starts sobbing. I soon start crying too because I realize I feel the same way.

"He still likes you. If you don't believe me, I can call him through the floo. He doesn't have a class now. Remus says, gently rubbing our backs. We don't calm down or reply, so he stands up and goes into his office. He goes out with Sev a few moments later. When he sees us crying, he runs over and pulls us into a hug.

"I don't hate you! I was only mad at Draco! I would never stop loving you two. And you as well, Hermione. You are like my little sister since you are under our Dad's care." Sev says soothingly. We stay in that cuddle for a few more minutes and then Sev sits between us and we talk about what happened and our relationship until dinner.

We fill Ron in during dinner, and then we head to the common room and play wizards chess until everyone had gone to bed and then we go to sleep.

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