Trouble On Christmas

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"Wake up!" I hear Hermione say.

"Why?" I whine.

"It's Christmas!" Harry yells. I throw my pillow at him.

"I'm up!" I say. They leave so I can get dressed. I hurry and get dressed and run out of my room and slide to a stop in front of the kitchen.

"No running in the house, Alexis!" I hear Mom call from the other room.

"How'd you know it was me?" I ask.

"You are the only one that does it." Mom replies, walking out of the room she and Dad stay in when we are at Dumbledore Manor.  We all go to the living room to be greeted by Sev, Remus, Sirius and Dad.


"Be quieter." I snap.

"Lose the attitude." Dad says.

"I'll try." I mumble.

"Present time!" Sirius says, obviously trying to change the subject. We all sit down and Dad hands out the presents. Once all the presents are handed out, we start unwrapping them.

"Let's clean up." Dad says once we are done thanking each other.

"Do we have to? Can we just use magic?" I whine.

"Either stop whining or go back to bed AFTER you help clean." Mom says. I roll my eyes

'Surely they won't make me go back to bed on Christmas.' I think.

"You're very close to going back to bed with a sore bottom." Mom says with a raised eyebrow.

"Let's start cleaning!" Remus says. I sigh but start cleaning.

"Who wants to go flying?" Sev says. We all agree, grab our brooms and take off. We fly around for a couple hours, then Mom suggests we go in to eat and have some hot cocoa.

"I don't want to." I whine.

"That's it! You're going inside and straight to bed!" Mom says.

"NO! That's unfair!" I yell.

"Don't raise your voice at me! You can do it with or without a sore bottom. Your choice." Mom replies.  I roll my eyes, but land and stomp into the house, slamming the back door behind me. I stomp even louder up the stairs to my room and slam my door so hard it nearly comes off the hinges. I hear someone coming upstairs and, realizing how much trouble I'm in, I jump under my covers.

"Alexis Faith! That was rude and uncalled for. You need a little more sleep. Go to sleep and when you wake up, come downstairs and we will talk." Dad says.

"I don't want a bloody nap! I'm too old for them!" I yell.

"That was the final straw, young lady!" Dad says, pulling me out of bed and over his lap.



Dad pulls me into his lap and hugs me for a moment.

"I'm so sorry!" I say once I calm down

"It's okay, but you still have to take a nap." Dad says. I nod and climb into bed on my stomach. I fall asleep almost immediately. When I wake up, the rest of the day goes smoothly.

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