The 6 Youngest Dumbledores Are In TROUBLE!

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"Plan April Fools is in place." Sev whispers as he walks past us at dinner. I nod and smirk at my siblings.

"Now we wait." Hermione says, giggling. We finish eating and head upstairs to Gryffindor tower. At 10pm we all head to bed.

"Wake up Alexis! It is time for breakfast!" I hear Hermione say as she shakes me awake. I jump out of bed and get dressed. We meet the boys in the common room and we all go to the Great Hall to wait for Mom and Dad to come in. We don't have to wait long. They walk in sporting rainbow hair and robes along with purple skin and green polka dots. My siblings and I start laughing, followed by everyone else. Mom and Dad give all 6 of us a look that meant 'We will be discussing this later.' Once everything calmed down, we all ate breakfast. Harry, Hermione and I went to get up and go back to the common room for our free period, but there was a sticking charm on us both. We look at Dad, who is glaring at us. Suddenly, a Howler appears in front of Harry, Hermione and me. We look at it apprehensively.

"You have to open it. There's no way around it." Ron says, giving us pitying looks. We look at Sev, SIrius, and Remus who are all as pale as the three of us. Hermione opens it.

"Severus Godric, Remus John, Sirius Orion, Harry James, Hermione Sage, and Alexis Faith Dumbledore! What were you six thinking?! You weren't, that much is obvious! Your father had a very important meeting that he can't attend until this wears off now! Not to mention that none of you knew for sure how that product would react! That was VERY dangerous, selfish, and STUPID! All 6 of you will be sitting tender for at least a week for this! I promise you that! I expect all of you in the family quarters right after dinner, no excuses!" Mom's voice yells from the Howler. All 6 of us go red when the Howler started yelling our full names, and we were all trying to hide by the time it finished, especially since everyone knew we would be spanked now. I tried getting up again, and thankfully the charm was gone. All 6 of us left the Great Hall red faced and headed to Sev's office together.

"What do you think they're going to do?" Sev asked for the 14th time, still pacing.

"It's obvious by the Howler. We are all getting spanked." I reply.

"I know, but how bad do you think it will be?" Sev anxiously asked.

"I'm not sure, but we did the crime together, we will do the time together." Sirius says, putting his hand on Sev's shoulder. We discussed how to explain ourselves for a few more minutes before going our separate ways. The rest of the day was super slow. By the end of dinner, all 6 of us were squirming anxiously and all eyes were on us as we all left together before Mom and Dad. We headed to the quarters and waited in our rooms in corners like we knew we were expected to do. I hear my siblings all get their spankings, and then it's my turn.

"Come here." I hear Mom say. I turn and go to her.

"I've heard the explanation already. You are getting 75 with the hairbrush over your panties." Mom says. I nod silently and she pulls me over her knee and pulls my pants down.


"I'm sorrrryyyyyy!" I wail, sobbing. Mom tips me forward and focuses the last 10 hardest ones on my sit spots.


I bawl and lay limp over her knee. She pulls my pants up and helps me up. She then hugs me tightly and once I am calmer, we join the rest of the family in the living room. We have a family movie night, and then go our separate ways. We all went to bed, probably all on our stomachs too!

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