Back to Hogwarts

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After a long lecture about behaving, Harry, Hermione, Ron and I are getting on the train to Hogwarts with Sirius, Remus, and Sev. Mom and Dad are already at Hogwarts. Harry, Hermione, Ron and I find a compartment and sit down. Soon, none other than Draco Malfoy comes into our compartment.

"What do you want?" I say.

"Just had to see if the mudblood, charity cases, and weasel were smart enough to come back to Hogwarts." He teases. I stand up and pull my wand, and the others quickly follow. Before any curses can be thrown, Sirius comes up and gives us a murderous glare that almost rivals Sev's.  We all gulp and put our wands away, and sit down.

"What is going on?" He demands. We all start explaining at the same time.

"Silence!" He bellows. We all quickly stop talking.

"Alexis, you first. Then Draco. Don't even think of lying." He says sternly. Shocked with his sternness, I explain exactly what happened. Draco agrees.

"All of you, come with me." He says, turning and walking away. We all follow him to the compartment that Sev and Remus are in. When they see us, they sigh.

"What happened?" Remus asks. Sirius explains to him what took place, and then we are told to sit in the compartment with them so they could 'keep an eye on us'. Finally, we reach Hogwarts. We all try to leave, but Sev stops us.

"Not so fast." He says. We groan and walk with him to the carriages and ride with him to the castle where he warns us to behave. In the middle of dinner, a note appears in front of Hermione. She reads it and pales.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Dad wants all four of us in his office after the feast." Harry says, having read it over her shoulder. I pale along with the other three. All too soon, the feast is over and we head up to Dad's office. The door opens before we knock, and we see a very angry Dad.

"Sit." He orders simply. We obey.

"We're sorry!" I try.

"Not as sorry as you will be." He says.

"Sirius explained what he saw and what you told him. Is there anything you wish to add?" He continues. We all shake our heads no.

"Okay. Ron, your father will be here soon. Hermione, Harry, and Alexis. You all go into our quarters and find separate corners in the living room." Dad says. We all obey, leaving Ron to wait for his father. Around 10 minutes later, I hear Dad come in. He calls us over to the couch and tells us to sit. We obey, and he paces in front of us.

"You all have to decide as a group between two options. They are: a spanking, or being grounded here for a month. I won't ground one of you, and spank the others. You all have to agree. You have 5 minutes before I decide for you." Dad says, as he leaves us to talk. We decide right before Dad walks back in.

"What's your decision?" He asks.

"A spanking." We all reply at the same time.

"Okay. Go to your separate rooms." He says, and we quickly scurry off. He comes into my room a half hour later.

"You are last because you pulled your wand first." Dad explains. I nod, and he pulls me over his knees. He gives me around 15 swats with his hand, and then 10 with the hairbrush. I am bawling by the end of it. He cuddles he and then we go to the living room and watch a movie until we have to go to the dorms. We all go to our dorms and then straight to bed. On our stomachs of course!

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