Trouble During The First Day Of Summer Break

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"Alexis Faith Dumbledore!" I hear Dad yell as he storms down the hallway. I cringe as a remember what got me into trouble.


"Time to get up!" Mom says. I get out of bed and get dressed, ready to go to our home for the summer. Soon, we are all in the living room, ready to go.

"Now, all the rules still apply. Same for consequences." Dad says, and then we all floo to Dumbledore Manor.


"Shut the bloody hell up about school, Hermione! It is summer break!" I yell at her znd storm to my room and slam the door.


"Yes Dad?" I say innocently.

"Why did you use that kind of language and why did you act so rudely to your sister?" He asks.

"She wouldn't shut up about school." I whine.

"Not a good excuse. You are getting a spanking for the constant attitude you have hadand then you are getting a soapy mouth." Dad says.

"But Daddddd, I-" I start.

"No. I've had enough of this attitude. Now come here." He orders sternly, sitting on the edge of my bed. I obey slowly. He pulls me over his knee, and then starts. He covers my whole bottom at least 5 times before paying attention to my sit spots and thighs for a while. By the time he stopped, I was bawling and begging for him to stop. He pulls me up and hugs me.

"I'm sorry." I apologize after I've calmed down.

"I'm not the one to apologize to." he says, and I hop off his lap to go apologize to Hermione, hoping he forgot about the soapy mouth.

"Not so fast." He says, and instantly my mouth is filled with a soapy taste.

"Yuck!" I whine.

"You deserve this!" He reminds me. I go apologize to Hermione and then we eat and play games the rest of the day.

New Dumbledores??!!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant