You Are Special To All of Us

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Author's Note: there is no spanking in this chapter. Credit for the prompt goes to sassylexy.

I groggily drag myself out of bed and immediately remember what happened last night. I groan and take a quick shower before putting on my robes and deciding to go talk to Dad. I ignore everyone as I make my way to the gargoyle that leads to Dad's office. As I get close, I hear Sirius and Remus talking.

"She is always in trouble. She's nothing but a burden to us and our family." Sirius says. I stop suddenly when I hear that and turn and bolt to Gryffindor tower. I pack a bag full of clothes, and run out of the castle. I keep running until I get out of the Hogwarts gates. Then I finally slow down. I walk for a hour before finding a cave that looks empty. I carry my bag in and sit in the cave floor and cry.

"Why am I a burden to everyone I care about?! Why can't I just listen!?" I scream at the empty cave. I end up crying myself to sleep. When I wake up, I walk to Hogsmeade and buy myself some food. I wander around Hogsmeade until I see Sirius, Remus, and Sev looking around frantically. I turn and run back to my cave. I sink to the ground once I'm inside the cave and sob. I try to calm down unsuccessfully. I feel a pair of arms wrap around me and I'm pulled into someone's chest. I can tell it's Sirius because of the cologne I smell. I fight to get free but he holds me tighter.

"Let me go! I'm a burden that you shouldn't have to be around!" I scream while fighting to get free.

"Where did you hear that?" He says, and I hear confusion, sadness, and a hint of anger in his voice.

"You said it to Remus this morning! You said I'm always in trouble, and that I'm nothing but a burden to you all!" I say, finally giving in due to exhaustion and stopping the struggle.

"I wasn't talking about you. You are the best sister I could ever have. You get into your fair share of trouble, but that doesn't mean you are a burden. I got into more trouble when I was your age than you do now." He says, and I feel a tear fall into my hair. I stay quiet for a little while, focusing on breathing normally.

"Who were you talking about?" I ask finally, as I turn. I see his tears and how sad he looks, and I add "Why are you sad?" He wipes his tears before giving me a small smile,

"It breaks my heart that you think I am capable of thinking of you as a burden. That's why I am sad. I was reading Remus a letter I got from a student's parents. I was telling him that we should tell Dad so he can investigate the student's home life." Sirius says. I wrap my arms around him and we sit like that for a few more minutes. Finally, we stand up and Sirius grabs my bag.

"Ready to go back?" He asks. I nod and we start the journey back to Hogwarts in the dark. Sirius sends a message to Dad that we are heading back and to call off the search. We get back an hour and a half later, and I am immediately pulled into a group hug. We all go to the family quarters and talk about what took place. I was warned not to run off, and instead talk to one of them about whatever is bothering me, and Sirius was told to be careful what he says in the open because if another student had heard, the student they were talking about could've been bullied and also to prevent hurt feelings over misunderstandings. As a family, we all sit and play games in our quarters and end up all sleeping together in the living room.

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