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A young Jacob Black looked up from the sudden loud noise. Only to see a young blonde girl who looked around the age as he was, crash into some trashcans.

Letting giggles out 8 year old Jacob got up from the ground and made his way over towards the scene to make sure she was at least okay.

"Are you alright?" Jake asked as he saw the girl laying underneath some trashcans with scrapes along her knees.

The skateboard Penny was riding was going too fast for her 8 year old self to control. Soon enough the skateboard hit an uneven surface and made her fly towards the trashcans as it stayed where it was.

Penny looked up but couldn't see anybody until she moved her too big of a bike helmet up a little bit. There she was met with a young tan skin boy with black hair looking down at her in concern.

"Don't worry about it kid, I'm fine." Penny got up not noticing the blood dripping down her leg as she quickly tried to run from embarrassment.

"Hey, no you're not. You're bleeding," Jacob pointed towards her right knee where she had scraped it up making the blood drip down. "Follow me, I'll fix it." Jacob grabbed Penny's hand as he dragged her into his house and into the bathroom.

"I'm a mechanic I can fix anything." Jacob puffed out his chest as he gave it a good hit with his fist indicating his toughness. Penny giggled at the young boy and his goofiness.

Jacob pointed for Penny to sit on the sink as he was looking for the first aid kit. Penny sat down obeying his command and watch as Jacob shuffle through his cabinets and drawers.

"Rebecca! Where's the first aid kit?" Jacob shouted towards his eldest sister.
Foot steps were heard as Rebecca rounded the corner wondering why Jacob wanted to know until she saw the small blonde girl sitting on the sink with blood dripping.

"Jake did you really have to injure the girl to make her not run away from you?" Rebecca asked as she took a cloth getting it wet and cleaning up Penny. "Second drawer underneath the toilet paper."

Jacob quickly pulled it out and handed a husky dog bandaid to Rebecca to put on Penny. Penny felt too nervous to talk so she kept her thoughts and comments to herself as usual.

"Alright you're good to go, kid." Rebecca patted Penny's leg as she left the two 8 year olds in the bathroom.

"My names Jacob." Jacob stretched his hand out towards Penny once she jumped down from the sink.

"I'm Penny." Penny quietly said while Jacob shook her hand with a big smile plastered on his face.

"I have two other friends you'll love to meet. Wanna?" Jacob looked down at Penny as he was awaiting her answer. Shrugging her shoulders Jacob took it as a sign of a yes and quickly drug her back outside.

"Where do they live?" Penny questioned once they started walking down the street with their hands holding one another while cars zoomed past.

"Not too far, I pinky promise." Jacob held up his pinky showing her he meant business. Wrapping her small pinky around his she took his word for it not questioning otherwise as a pinky promise was the most legit promising to ever exists.

Knocking on a large brown door Penny became nervous as the knocks increased each time.

"Maybe he's not home." Penny gestured to the unanswered door, shaking his head Jacob pounded harder this time. "Jake, stop. Please."

Letting out a sigh Jake stopped banging on Embry's door after realizing he might not be home. With a grumble he led Penny towards Quil's house now.

"I bet he's at Quil's house if he isn't home." Jacob quickly grabbed Penny's hand and started running towards Quil's house. Penny was not a runner so she started to breathe hard not getting enough oxygen to her lungs.

Seeing Quil and Embry in Quil's front yard Jacob took off running towards the two leaving Penny behind to try and breathe.

Penny was getting lightheaded as she was trying to find her inhaler in her coat pocket and fumbling to raise it to her mouth. Taking two inhales Penny could finally breathe and made her way over to the trio as Jacob was getting beaten on by Embry.

"Jake you left her by herself to defend herself." Embry shouted as he hit Jake upside the head. "Didn't you hear her hard breathing at all?"

"No not really. Actually thinking about it I wouldn't have known she was there at all besides me grabbing her hand." Jacob answered honestly looking down towards the ground with a look of guilt.

"Think about others before yourself you dingaling." Embry said as Quil broke the two apart.

"It wasn't Jake's fault. He had no idea of my troubles." Penny spoke as she sat herself down next to Embry and Jacob.
Jacob looked up giving her a small smile with her returning the gesture.

"I'm Embry and this is Quil." Embry introduced himself and Quil. Penny's hearing still wasn't all there from getting dizzy so she became confused at the sudden name.

"Quilt? Who names their kid Quilt?" Penny asked very confused on the kid's bad choice of name. Embry and Jacob let out cries of laughter as Quil crossed his arms as he was offended by the girl.

"My name is Quil not Quilt." Quil grumbled as his two friends were rolling in the grass in laughter with tears rolling off their faces.

"I'm sorry. I hope you're not offended. It was still a bit hard to hear from my dizziness earlier." Penny held a frown on her face not meaning to hurt the poor kid's feelings.

Quil gave her a small smile making her brighten up, "It's okay."

"Group hug!" Embry shouted as Jacob and Quil help Embry squish Penny in their new bonding hug. Making her face turn a shade of red from lack of air but Penny didn't want to ruin the moment so she hugged them back just as hard.

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