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Deaf is a term most people use when a person can't hear. Where they will have to use sign language with their hands to try and communicate with someone else. Some people make fun of the deaf seeing them as less than themselves. While some make jokes or act like they are dead for the fun of it.

This time Penny was acting deaf to her phone vibrating for the past ten minutes. She had almost answer the first time if she had not caught her grandmother's name.

Bella had tried to answer it, but Penny levitated a book and threw it at her. It was safe to say that Bella had found it quite blissful to actually spend time with Penny. The blonde hair girl was an escape route to a happier place where the world was not being so cruel.

"Get in the truck." Bella sprints down the stairs as she grabs her jacket off the hook. Penny was currently laying flat on her belly on top of the couch watching the newest Law and Order.

"Come on Bells, I just started it." Penny whines quite loudly, throwing her head backwards the girl nearly smacks it against the wall.

"We're going to see Jake. I-I think I know something now." Bella quickly says making Penny sit upwards now. Bella had told Penny that Jacob had visited late last night while the blonde was passed out. Yet, she had slept like a peaceful grizzly bear in hibernation during it all.

"You know I'm feeling quite petty today. Let's go ruin a boy's life." Penny smirks at her best friend before following after her towards the truck. Bella had even let a small smile spread across her face from Penny saying she wanted to ruin his life.


Bella was currently knocking rather harshly on the Black's front door. Her knuckles were sure to be sore and a bit red once she stops. It was clear to see that she wanted to waste no time in talking to Jacob.

Beside the rather antsy girl stood a quite mellow girl. Unlike her best friend, she thought there would be all the time in the world to talk to Jacob. She saw no rush in things.

When Bella had seem to stop knocking it had brought Penny's attention on the person through the glass. Billy was wheeling himself towards the two yet he had only saw Bella. Penny couldn't help but smile at the old man who looked to be a bit confused on why Bella was here.

"Bella... and Penny?" Billy confusingly asks not knowing the two girls were with one another or even knew each other. Nonna had called Billy late last night wondering if he had happen to see Penny at all.

"I need to see him." Bella quickly states.

"He's not in." Billy lies while looking at Bella's eyebrows. It was clear to see that the man was lying, because he wasn't looking at Bella directly in the eye. This was one out of the many small things Penny had picked up on Billy Black.

"Okay, I'm sorry, I really need to see him." Bella says, she quickly moves past Billy as she heads straight for Jacob's room.


"Papa B, thought you'll never get to see my adorable face again?" Penny asks the man at the front door. He had look upon Penny with a sad smile evident on his face, this made the girl confuse.

"I've missed you a lot little P." Billy softly says.

Noises were coming from the back of the house. The birds were chirping away at the shapeshifters walking towards the Black's house. This was finally going to be Penny's first time meeting the shapeshifters. She had read about them in one of her magical books.

Bella darts towards the back door without a second thought. Not wanting the girl to get hurt Penny goes after her. It wasn't that Penny thought the girl was weak, it was just, she knew the girl likes to snack on the sweet taste of danger.

Her eyes had caught his. He was there walking with Sam, Jared, and Embry. The four names she heard the wolves say to one another. Her eyes had count the boys seeing there were four of them just like the four wolves she had first met.

Then her mind reminded her of the new fifth wolf she had encounter. Meaning if there were now five wolves then Jacob Black was one of them. It had all made sense to the white witch.

They all traveled around with one another, never leaving one behind. Once Embry had left he was all about Sam just like how Jacob is now. Her best friends had left her for their rightful pack. They were all a pack.

"Ever since he came back he's been following Sam around like a lost puppy"

Jacob's words had finally made sense. There was also a bit of irony in it as well since Sam was their alpha. He was the oldest and looked to be the strongest. He was the black alpha wolf.

They were all shapeshifters. Each and every one of them including Paul Lahote. The boy she fell for. The boy who she pushed away for his safety. He was actually part of the supernatural world.

Tears stream down the blonde's happy face. A smile had broke out onto her lips when she realized she could be friends with them. They would not think of her as a monster. They would not burn her onto a stake.

She had broke out of concentration when Bella had started to yell. She was walking very angrily towards the four shapeshifting boys that looked to be confused. Speeding next to the girl, Penny stands beside her.

"He didn't want this." Bella angrily shouts.

"What did we do? What did he do? What'd he tell you?" Paul huffs at the brunette. His eyes had look upon Penny seeing her tear streak face. Instantly taking the view the wrong way Paul gets piss off thinking Jacob had done something to hurt Penny.

"Both of you calm down." Sam orders looking between the two.

"Nothing. He tells me nothing because he's scared of you."  Bella says quite fuming with anger but Jared and Paul had only chuckle at her response. Before Penny could even get a word in Bella had smack Paul across his face.


Red had consume her.

Red had taken over her.

All she could see was red.

All she could think was red.

She was raging with anger.

Penny pissed bc Bella hit Paul?? Whoa

Looks like Penny is turning into a little hotheaded Paul herself  (-;

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