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Penny looked around for Quil as she sat at their normal table for lunch except he wasn't there. She was confused since she saw him in science earlier. Looking around for her curly hair best friend Penny spotted him sitting at a table filled with boys.

Penny never met the boys he was hanging with and was now confused. But then Penny thought that the group of boys possibly asked for Quil to sit with them and he didn't know how to invite a girl in so he must've just sat there.

Penny now understanding why Quil wasn't sitting with her for today made sense in her head and started to eat her chicken nuggets. Eyes were felt on the back of her head but she chose to ignore it as she ate in silence.

Paul watched the scene from afar and growled as he saw Quil acting like a douche towards his imprint. Jared and Embry rolled their eyes.

"Just invite her to sit with us and quit looking like a stalker." Cora said to the shape shifter making him turn around to look at his friends.

"I've always wanted to meet her properly anyway." Jared shrugged his shoulders not caring as his arm was wrapped around Cora's waist.

"I need to speak to her anyway." Embry said as he watched Penny's figure. Embry has been meaning to explain to the girl but never found the time to. It was killing him not being able to talk or even say hi to his best friend and his pack mates knew it.

After what happened in the forest the boys made sure to keep their eyes on her closely. Sam has been asking the elders about it but they kept telling Sam it was none if their business and that he needed to speak to Nonna, Penny's grandmother. So today Sam had planned to go over and speak to the elderly woman.

Embry could see the light in Penny's eyes whenever she saw Paul. Paul was the only acceptation right now to go see her since they were imprints. Embry was not a big fan of that.

Finding out his fellow pack mate had imprinted on Penny especially it being Paul made Embry phase in Sam's backyard right then and there. He had gotten angered easily when he knew Penny would soon know the supernatural and might get drag in. He didn't want that for her and wanted her to stay clear but yet that didn't happen.

Another reason why Embry got angered easily was because he knew of Paul's ways. He was known to jump from one girl to the next and didn't want Penny to get her heartbroken over some stupid boy. Reason why Embry scared all the boys away from her back in elementary and middle school. He didn't want Penny to experience heartbreak at all or even ever if he could help it.

Penny's tray was sat down right next to Jared as Penny sat down next to Paul now. Her eyes roamed the table as they landed a little longer on Embry but moved to look at Jared and Cora. Penny's hands were gripping the ends of her sleeves as she was nervous. Paul took notice of her hands and intertwined their hands underneath the table.

"Hello I'm Cora," The girl stretched her hand out towards Penny. Penny smiled and shook it as she introduced herself as well.

"I'm Penny." She smiled at Cora and then looked at the boy that clung next to her.

"Names Jared. I've heard a lot about you." He smirked towards Paul and then turned his head to look at Embry. "You're one of our main topics when it comes to Paul."

Paul glared across the table at his pack mate. He didn't want to seem like a stalker in front of Penny but Jared had obviously mess that up.

"All good things, I hope." Penny smiles brightly at Jared before giving Paul a quick glance. Paul was sending death glares towards Jared not wanting him to say anything else.

"I don't think Paul could even say one bad thing about you." Jared chuckles seeing Penny starting to blush at his words. Paul was smiling brightly down at Penny seeing how her cheeks were as red as a fire truck.

"How's it going, Neneh?" Embry's voice was soft and quiet it was like he didn't want Penny to hear him because he feared her anger.

Except Penny's ears caught Embry's words making her turn her head sharply towards him not believing that he had actually talked to her. She had gave herself a whiplash making a groan leave her lips and her other hand, the one that wasn't holding onto Paul's, was around her neck. Penny observed Embry a little bit fully developing his features and letting his words sink in a bit.

Except Penny's thoughts were filled with angered and hatred thoughts knowing better than to start an argument she only looked away from the boy. The tension was thick making Paul, Jared, and Cora look back and forth several times wondering if Penny was going to speak next, but she didn't. She had only rolled her eyes at the boy before shoving a chicken nugget in her mouth and tightening her grip on Paul's hand.

"Well that was not awkward at all," Jared had finally spoke up breaking the thick atmosphere, "So Penny ever going to hang with some real men and not just Paul?"

Paul rolls his eyes at his pack mate as he left a scoff leave his lips. "Please Jared. I'm more of a man than both of you combine." Paul pointed at Embry and Jared with his nugget and tossing it in his mouth.

"I'm pretty sure a grown man doesn't cut out a cat's tongue and lick people with it." Penny speaks up after she had gulp down her milk. Cora started to snort from laughter as the other two boys begin to chuckle.

Paul only rolled his eyes once again making Penny glare at him playfully. "Keep rolling your eyes, Lahote maybe you'll find a brain back there."

"Ooh burn." Jared shouts a loud causing the whole table to erupt in laughter except Paul. His anger was rising making him let go of Penny's hand as he began to shake uncontrollably.

"Paul, are you okay?" Penny tries to stick her hand on Paul's shoulder but the boy had growled at her making her retreat back. Jared and Embry both stood up and dragging Paul out of the lunchroom where Penny sat confused.

"He'll be fine. Sometimes his anger gets to him." Cora shrugs her shoulders but smiling sweetly at Penny. She began to eat her lunch not letting the whole scene get to her.

Except Penny wasn't going to listen to her at all, so she had stood up and began to make her way towards the doors of the cafeteria. Cora had tried to make the girl stop several times but she had ignored her. Penny began to dart down the hallways towards the front of the school. Once she had made it outside she didn't see any of the boys so she headed towards the side of the school that was closer to the forest, there she saw more than just the two boys. She saw Sam, Jared, Embry, Paul, and also Jacob. The same Jacob that had ignored her and she had a nightmare about.

Penny watches how Paul's body starts to shake making her fear for his safety. She begins to walk quietly towards the small group. Surprisingly they had not heard her coming towards them until she had pushed her way past Embry and Jacob.

"Penny, stay back!" Jacob shouts trying to pull the girl away from the angry shape shifter but she had dodge his arm.

She slowly put her hands in the air and crept inch by inch towards Paul.

"Paul it's okay. You're okay." She reaches out towards him but he had screamed at her in pain making her step backwards and the group of boys a step closer.

"Penny, you need to go back to school. Now." Sam orders the girl hoping she would leave before Paul shifts.

"No. You may be the boss of them but you're not the boss of me." Penny grumbles towards Sam feeling a bit of anger run through her body. Soon she stepped closer and landed a hand on Paul's back. Instantly he stops to shake and his breathing was back on track. Penny moved an inch closer letting her other hand rest on his back. She slowly leaned her body up against his as she wraps her arms around his waist.

"You're safe, Paul. You're okay. Please. Calm down." Penny whispers feeling Paul's hands rest on her own as he slowly stands up to his full height.

He had turned back around to face his pack and his imprint before pulling her into a hug pressing their bodies closely together. Paul's anger had vanished in thin air once Penny's hand came into contact of his own body. The pack watches the two hug one another not wanting to interrupt the special moment they were having.

The White Witch || Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now