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Sitting in English was a dread. Mr. Blair decided to introduce the class a project on Romeo and Juliet. They could either partner up or be solo for the activity and seeing Penny didn't know anyone she decided to go solo. The class will have to make a poster demonstrating one major event in play while they present a 3D model of one of the characters in that event.

Everybody got to pick their events except Penny. She was stuck with Juliet finally killing her dramatic self for some stupid boy that had killed himself. Romeo and Juliet was one of the most dramatic books Penny have ever read and yet she still couldn't believe people actually liked it. Girls in her class would be saying how it was one of the best books ever written. Which made Penny think that they would let themselves die over some pathetic boy killing himself and at such a young age.

Penny looked up at the clock as she starts to count down.






ring. ring.

Penny chucked her pencil into her bag as she bolted out of class. Yet she ran right into a hard chest which nearly knocked her down if it wasn't for the strong hands that had caught her.

"Woah there speed racer." A deep voice was heard making Penny's stomach do flips.

Looking up at the boy that had taken care of her yesterday she smiled at the older boy, "Sorry. I just really wanted to get out of there."

Paul looked at her worriedly, "Why? What happened? Who hurt you?" The last question Paul asked was a bit more aggressive than Penny had heard Paul talk before.

Penny and Paul were currently making their way towards their next class they had together.

"No one hurt me. Why? Is someone threatening to hurt me? Paul, who is it?" Penny turned wide doed eye towards Paul as she was now a bit scared. She didn't know why someone would want to hurt her for she never talked about anybody badly or even done anything to upset someone.

"Huh? Penny no one wants to hurt you. I just thought someone did. No one will hurt you while I'm here." Paul almost growled out. Paul would deeply hurt, maybe even kill anyone who dared to hurt Penny.

Penny started to blush from Paul. He was going to protect her. He was going to protect her from anyone. He wasn't going to let anyone hurt her.

"Thank you, Paul. That means a lot. You have no clue." Penny walked into her science class to see Embry sitting in his seat and Quil sitting in his own.

Paul glared at Quil but smirked at Embry. Penny gave Quil a smile but he glared at Penny. He couldn't believe Penny was talking to Paul. The dude who took Embry away from them and possibly Jake as well.

Penny frowned as she went to sit in her seat which Paul sat right next to her seeing her sadden state.

"What's wrong PP?" Paul asked the girl.

Penny looked up confused, "PP? That sounds wrong." The blonde girl started to giggle as Paul smiled brightly at the younger girl.

Soon enough Mr. Jhet entered the room just as the bell went off. The class had quieted down making Penny look away from Paul and onto Mr. Jhet.

Paul's eyes never left Penny's face as he watched the girl concentrate hard. It wasn't until her face was the face of pure horrified when Paul was brought back to Earth.

Paul could now see the dead cat that laid in front of them as Penny was plugging her nose in pure disgust. Penny couldn't believe the smell that had came from the cat once it was placed on their table.

"Seeing as everybody has a cat you may now begin the procedure." Mr. Jhet spoke as he sat back down in his chair and got onto his phone.

"I'm not touching it." Penny screeched as she pulled her hands away from the dead.

Paul chuckled and nodded his head. "Don't worry you're knight and shining armor is here."

Penny smiled at Paul and watched as he put his gloves on. She soon put some on as well. Watching Paul cut the mouth of the cat back just so they could see the inside of the mouth, it made her want to vomit even more.

"Look Penny I think he likes you," Paul held the dead cat letting the joker smile be seen, "Hi Penny. You're lookin very gorgeous today." Paul made his voice squeaky as he made the dead cat speak.

"Paul stop it. You're going to make me vomit." Penny whined at him pushing his arm away from her. Except he only laughed at the girl.

"Oh alright. Look here kitty you need to keep your paws to yourself." Paul joked around a bit more until Penny gave him a dirty look making him start to focus on the task. "Uh what's next?"

"You need to break the jaw so we can open it up fully and look at the saliva glands." Penny spoke as she had a disgust look on her face. "Also you need to cut out it's uh um tongue."

Paul broke the cat's jaw like he was use to breaking bones. It was with so little strength and so little ease it made Penny look at him weirdly. Except she ignored it and just focused on the task at hand.

Penny was reading what they were about to do next until she felt a smooth small bumpy material rub against her face. Penny's eyes shot wide open and she froze in her spot not believing what just happened. Paul's laughter filled the classroom as he held the tongue in his fingers.

Penny looked at the dead cat and saw the tongue missing so her knowledge of the material was actually the tongue. Penny turned sharply at the boy laughing and glared daggers at him. Which only made him laugh louder now.

"You're intolerable." Penny grumbled as she grabbed the tongue and slapped it against his face. Her action surprised Paul and now he was smirking at the blonde.

"That's a big word for such a little girl." Paul chuckled as he inspected the saliva glands.

"I'm not little." Penny spoke back making Paul look at her and standing to his full height.

"Oh really? Well my bad leprechaun." Paul joked at the blonde.

"Listen here Lahote. God made me short so I can be closer to the depths of hell which is my kingdom. So bug off peabrain." Penny spat at the boy. Penny never liked it when people made fun of her height for she couldn't help that she was born this short.

Paul's laughter died down as his smile turned into a frown. He didn't mean to hurt her. He was just joking around and didn't know he struck a nerve.

Paul wrapped his arms around Penny's waist from behind shocking the girl. He laid his head on top of hers and spoke, "I'm sorry PP. I didn't mean any of it. I actually like your height."

Paul could feel Penny relax into his arms making him tighten his arms around her.

"It's okay. I didn't mean to snap, I'm really sorry." Penny said honestly.

"I forgive you PP." Paul watched the class work on their cat as he kept holding Penny in his arms.

From across the room Quil was glaring at the two. Quil felt backstabbed by Penny as she was clearly taking a liking to Paul and hanging with him. She was suppose to despise their enemy not fall for him. Quil wanted to yell at Penny and ask why is she hanging with Paul but he couldn't. He didn't have the guts to even raise his voice at the young blonde especially with what she was put through the last couple of weeks.

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