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"W-we have to go

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"W-we have to go." Penny quickly says while her head was starting to spin. Her mind was racing with the thoughts of Leah, Seth, and Sue all being in pain and heartache from the sudden death.

"Why?" Her father asks with a questionable glance. He was just about to spend some final father and daughter time with his kid, but it seem that there was some outside force trying to stop him now. He didn't know whether to act against it or go with the flow, trying to see what the force is intending on trying to do.

"He's family." Penny sternly says looking towards her father she asks, "Can you teleport us to his house?"

"Take this." Penny's father places a few small amounts of dust into his daughter's hands. "Picture where you want to go in your mind then blow this outwards. It'll help teleport you faster, I have to go deal with some business."

"Oh okay." Penny nods her head not really caring that her father was already wanting to leave her. Just when she thought she had an actual dad, he leaves once more for who knows how long this time. She didn't want him to know that she was upset that he wasn't going, so she pursed her lips and thought about Harry's home.

Once the house came into mind she blows the dust outwards with her eyes close, then she had count to three before opening her eyes. Penny had suddenly appeared outside the house that had cars and trucks overflowing the driveway. She was hidden in the forest behind a couple of bushes from the view of the outbursting cries of plead and pain. Her eyes start to tear up once she saw Sue hanging on the pillar of her house out on the deck while her friends all hugged tightly on her.

"She hasn't picked up any of my calls or answer any of my texts. I've searched the whole perimeter, and not once have I caught her scent." A deep voice says making Penny snap her head towards a small group of boys that were huddled around one another.

Her eyes could easily spot Paul's tense muscular back that was facing her. Jared was standing beside him with a look of distraught, and Embry was on the other side trying to reassure him. Paul's hands flew up to his hair as he dug his fingertips into his roots and began to pull at his hair. "I'm loosing my mind. What if she's in danger?"

Stepping out of bushes Penny slowly makes her way towards the house. Each step she took closer the heavier the atmosphere began to reek with depression and grief. Her eyes had caught Sue's who looked beyond shocked to see the young blonde walking towards the house. Pushing aside her friends Sue stands up the best that she could and started to walk towards Penny.

"Where have you been my dear?" Sue cries out before throwing herself towards Penny where she held the girl into her arms tightly. After hearing that the girl had gone missing shortly after the death of her husband, she had felt like two knives were stabbed into her heart.

"I-I'm sorry Sue. I'm so sorry about Harry's death, I-I wish there was something I could-"

"Nonsense my dear there is nothing any of us could have done to prevent this. This is nature's course." Sue coos the girl while her hand rubs the girl's back. Secretly the woman was dying on the inside with the sudden loss of her husband, but she didn't want the young girl to notice. "Sometimes the lord chooses though who are very dear to bring up to heaven. It's just like picking flowers my love, you always pick the most beautiful and best ones."

Penny wipes her tears away while smiling at the older woman who was truly wise in any subject at hand. If there was any problem the girl was having she knew she could go to Sue for her advice, because the woman knew how to pick and choose her words carefully. She'll tell you the truth, but she would tell you in a way that wouldn't hurt your feelings.

"Help them, please. They'll need your help with all of this supernatural just as much as you'll need them." Sue quietly says while nodding her head towards the direction of where the three members of the wolfpack had once stood. "But most importantly care and love for them as much as you can, because you never know when their final day here on Earth will be."

Nodding her head Penny looks up at Sue with sincere in her eyes as she proudly states, "I will, not because they are also supernatural, but because they're my family. I'll risk my own life for them, and ask for nothing in return."

Giving a sad smile to Penny, Sue wipes the few tears that have escaped her eyes as she sighs out, "Leah and Seth have shifted shortly after hearing of Harry's death. Take care of them and show them the ropes of the supernatural world, please. I don't know what I would do if something ever happens to them."

A shocked expression had made it's way onto Penny's face after hearing that both Leah and Seth had shifted. She was more shocked that Leah had shifted, because she was a girl, but then again they did say the ones with the tribal dna will turn. They never truly said it was just males only it just happened that the last pack were all males and the ones before were as well.

Looking confidently at Sue the girl states, "I'll do everything I can to make sure they're safe, Witch's Oath." Penny pricks her index finger with a sharp stick as she hold it up in the air, slowly the blood trickling down her finger had turned black, though the girl had not notice.

Doing across over her heart with the index finger she wipes her blood off, and had finished the oath. This small action was taught to her by her grandmother, and apparently once you made a Witch's Oath with someone it was to be never broken, for if it was, the young witch would die of a horrible death by a random start of fire.

Penny had also made a mental promise to herself that if the day shall ever come, and she had to pick her own life over one of the packs, then she would gladly give up her own for them.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2018 ⏰

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