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The next week flew by for Penny without Embry at school. She's been more quiet than usual and still doesn't understand why Embry was all of a sudden too busy for her and the boys.

Ever since Embry yelled at Penny and making Quil and her walk through the rain at midnight she's been pissed off with him. She called Embry's cell and house phone every night and day for the last week hoping he'll answer. But she always got his voicemail or his mom's famous words "He's busy sweetie."

"Pen, wanna hang with Bella and I today?" Jake was currently on the phone with Penny as she laid in the middle of the forest. Penny liked this spot because it had a little hill that had a log to sit on as your feet dangled over the edge. The scenery in front of Penny was something she liked the most of them all.

You were able to see where the light hit the little forest trees below her letting the beautiful flowers bask in their glory and the kits, baby foxes, play around. Penny took a hike in the forest one day when she came upon this discovery and was lucky enough to see a fox's den below where a mother fox had her newborn kits in. Almost everyday after school Penny would come and watch the kits play fight against one another and try to attack tiny flying bugs as they would come across their path.

"What are you guys doing though?" Penny questioned as her eyes roam the ground beneath as her legs swung back and forth.

Embry and Jared were on patrol duty at the current moment when Embry's ears picked up a female voice. Jared as well picked it up and looked at Embry questioning both wondering why someone would be this deep into the forest.

"We're riding the dirt bikes today, you can ride with us," Jake informed the girl,"I'll also pick you up."

Penny let a sigh seeing as she had really nothing better to do. Quil was helping his grandfather and Embry wasn't talking to them. "I'll come."

Jake cheered from the other end making a small smile appear on the short blonde's face. "I'll be there in ten." With that being said Jake hung up the phone as he was finally getting the mopey girl out of the house for once in the past week.

Rolling her eyes Penny put the phone back in her pocket seeing how she'll be leaving her special spot soon.

Embry was currently walking slowly up towards the girl until he got a better feature of the girls back and he could see her birthmark.

"Who is she?" Jared asked in his head toward his pack member.

"That's Penny. My best friend." Embry said back as he watched the girl stand up slowly on the log carefully to not fall over onto the other side. Hopping down Embry didn't realize he was noticeable to the naked eye until Penny let out a high pitch scream.

Penny couldn't believe her eyes as a wolf was standing right in front of her. Penny let out a high pitch scream as she currently remembered all the death's that have been happening to hikers. Looking for something to throw at the large wolf Penny grabbed a rock and stick and threw both as she took off running towards home.

Not stopping once to look back Penny ran and ran.

Once Penny saw her backyard she ran faster but stumbling down as she tripped over a tree root landing her face first into the ground. Jake came around the corner of the house only to see her trip and fall. Instantly worrying about Penny, Jake ran and helped the tiny blonde up to her feet as she let a groan escape her mouth.

The White Witch || Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now