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"E-Embry? Embry, oh my god!" Penny's voice screams out in true terror seeing him in so much pain. Her knees give out from underneath her while her hands hold Embry's arms apart so she could see his injuries. Dark purple bruises scatter across his body but it was a darker purple mixed with a blue and black as you looked upon the rib cage.

Penny's eyes begin to tear up not realizing that she had caused him pain. She was the one who threw the rocks repeatedly at the wolves just trying to save the girl. That's when it had finally dawned on her. She was throwing the rocks at wolves not Embry, but big furry wolves. And she only threw two rocks while the rest was levitated, and then thrown with her mind against the wolves harshly due to her intense anger.

The wolf had fallen in pain when it was hit in the rib cage, but when she came to check on the wolf, Embry was there. Meaning Embry was the wolf and her nightmare was actually reality. Brushes being russle and sticks snapping under someone's weight was heard from her left making fear run through her body.

Embry had just shifted from a giant wolf back to himself and she had caused him pain from her anger. An anger she couldn't believe she had in her until it was released and it had taken full control of her body. Then there was more than just one wolf, there was a small pack meaning there was more people shifting back to their human forms and heading their way towards her.

"I-I'm sorry Embry. So, so sorry." Penny tares her hands away from Embry's own as tears fell onto his body making him look up at her. She stood up in a flash when she caught sight of more russet skin and dark color hair coming towards her and Embry. Not wanting to stay any longer for the others to see her she fled from the scene.

"Penny, wait!"

Penny ignored the shout and ran as fast as her two short legs could take her. She thought she was far from her grandmother's house but when she had landed on Nonna's front porch in only two minutes it freaked her out even more. Penny was never a fast runner as she always was the slowest one in her class but now it had seem that she was faster than lighting itself.

Turning the knob slowly she pushes the door open and steps inside slowly trying to control her rapid heart beat. When entering the house Penny could smell fresh bake chocolate chip cookies hit her nostrils making her stomach growl. She takes one step at a time as she makes her way into the kitchen hoping to talk to her grandmother before her strange abilities start acting up once again.

"Penninah, come in here dear. I just made a fresh batch of cookies. I hope you're hungry." Nonna's voice rang sweetly which sounded like sweet music in her ear. Making her way towards her grandmother who stood behind the table isle she looks down hoping for her not to see her tear strain cheek.

"Nonna, I must talk to you. It's very urgent." Penny says quietly hoping for this all to just be a dream but it never was. She was truly living in her horrible nightmare with her demons playing about, taunting her wherever she looked.

"Of course sweetie. What seems to be the problem?" Nonna pulls out a chair for her granddaughter to sit on while she sat at the one next to it. Seeing her granddaughter move so slowly as if she was a sloth made her raise her eyebrow in question. Penny would not look at her once always keeping her head down as if she was ashamed of something. "Penny why are you acting so strange all of a sudden?"

"I'm afraid Nonna. I'm afraid of myself." Penny lifts her head with tears slowly falling from her red puffy eyes. She sniffs her nose trying to contain the runny mucus coming out of her nostrils. "I-I hurt him. I didn't mean to I swear I didn't but I just got so angry and fearful that I didn't release my own action. They were floating and then they were being chucked at them all."

The White Witch || Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now