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"Paul!" Penny shouts towards the boy in front of her playing soccer with his friends. She had missed him dearly and was more than happy to see his bright smiley face. His smile was pure and it had meaning behind it.

"Paul!" Penny shouts again once she starts to run closer towards the boy. The ground beneath her begin to shake with every step she took making it even more difficult to reach Paul. It seemed that as she ran to try and get closer he was getting farther.

Soon her eyes widen in horror once the ground beneath what look to be Embry and Jacob give out. Their screams left their lips as their bodies fell down an endless hole. Their screams echoed around Penny as if they were still falling.

"Jake! Embry! No!" Penny shouts once again finally coming to a complete stop. Everyone around her begins to scream in horror from the scene they just witnessed.

Soon a crack was heard from a tree nearby, turning her head she watches the tree fall on top of Jared and Sam. Penny tried to close her eyes but for some reason she couldn't. She couldn't help. She couldn't close her eyes. She couldn't do anything.

All of a sudden Paul appears in front of her with blood stains all over his hands and chest. His eyes held fear while his tears fell down his cheek non stop.

"You did this. You caused all of this! You're a monster!" Paul shouts at Penny making her body shake. His own body was shaking as well from what looked to be true anger. His eyes didn't glisten with that tiny spark when he saw her. It held anger and devastation. 

"Paul, I didn't do this. Please, I'm not a monster." Penny begs him but what happened next was something she didn't expect. Paul had changed into a giant wolf just like how Embry did. He growls at Penny and nearly bit her hand when she had try to reach out towards his body.

Penny puts her hands up to defend her face when she heard a whimper. Looking behind her hands she sees the wolf tangled in vines. Something had taken over Penny when she heard the whimper. Her eyes turned a dark green as she slowly starts to close her hand.

The vines had tighten themselves over the wolf dangerously tight. His ribs were being broken by the vines tight grip and scratches were being created on his skin as the thorns scraped him. Soon the wolf turned into a bloody body, Paul.

"Paul." Penny whispers before dropping her hands. The vines removed themselves around his body as he flops onto the ground. She runs towards the bleeding body not believing what she had just done to Paul.

"Monster." Paul whispers quietly but Penny still catches the word he endlessly repeats. "Monster. Monster. Monster."

Soon the scene around her changes as Paul's bleeding body disappears. Her hands were restricted behind her back with a tight rope wrapped around them. Her feet were also tied by a rope. She feels wood behind her back but she wasn't laying on it, since she stood up straight. Black smoke was all she could see around her.

"Burn her!"
"Burn the witch!"

Her eyes searched for those voices, the black smoke soon removes from her eyes as Jake, Embry, Quil, and Paul all stood in front of her. They held pitchforks in their hands while shouting in anger.

Soon Sam steps out with a fire torch in his hand as Jared walked from behind him. Jared shouts as well with his fellow friends with just as much anger in his voice as the others.

The White Witch || Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now