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The pine woods felt like it went on forever in the mind of Penny. She had currently drag Paul out to the woods behind Sam and Emily's house, but she had no intention on going as deep as they currently were.

Stopping in her tracks she had deemed this spot would be the best for her to explain to Paul. He would be able to sit on a fallen log while she shows him the many powers she is able to possess and control.

"I've been keeping a secret from you and the boys for a long time." Penny states while gesturing towards the log for Paul to sit. He must have gotten the hint that he'll need to sit for whatever she was going to explain to him.

"P, I'm sure it's not worse than turning into a giant wolf." Paul lightly says.

Her head had looked downwards as her shoulders begin to relax. She had let a sigh leave her lips before she had spoke up, "I'm a tenth generation white witch."

"Since when?" Paul had ask the girl becoming confused now.

"I've always been since it's in my DNA. Except I don't get my powers until I fulfill the ritual on my sixteenth birthday." Penny says while looking at Paul watching his reaction. He held a firm look on his face making it difficult for her to read him.

"So when you turned sixteen, that's when all of this chaos started?" Paul asks trying to understand the girl's heritage and background.

"Yes, except I'm more powerful than my ancestors meaning some of the powers had came before then." Penny sits besides Paul while resting her hand on his knee. "I only push you away, because I had fear that I would hurt you. Paul, I don't ever want to hurt you."

Paul's hand had found their way to Penny's face where he caressed her cheeks. His thumb rubbed circles as he let a soft smile adorn his face. He had spoke up, "You can never hurt me. I'm a shapeshifter, I'll heal."

She smiles at the boy silently thanking him for reassuring her. Letting her face sink into the warmth of his skin she intertwines their fingers together. All she wants right now is to enjoy the company of the boy she cares deeply for.

"You know I thought it was pretty sexy of you to throw Bella across the field for me." Paul says while squeezing Penny's hand. A laugh had left her lips from the boy beside her making her eyes roll.

"Who said it was for you? Maybe I wanted to do it myself." Penny smirks towards him making the boy roll his eyes this time. He pressed a soft delicate kiss upon her cheek making her face redden.

"You don't have to say it, I know you secretly did. I mean look at me." Paul gestures towards himself while holding a smirk on his face. Penny had giggle at his statement making her shake his head.

Resting her head on Paul's shoulder Penny snuggles into the side of him. His arm had wrapped itself around her waist pulling her closer towards him. His skin was warm compare to hers natural cold one, but it was a bonus that came with being a shapeshifter.

"I care about you." Penny sighs out while watching the forest before her.

"I care about you as well." Paul states while squeezing the side of Penny making her body jolt a bit. Her heart was racing from the closeness of the two.

Nothing more was said between the two during the time they had spent in the woods. They had both watch animals come up to Penny sniffing her and even Paul, before they would run off back into the woods. Penny would even tell Paul what they had said at times, making the boy be even more amaze at her talent.

She also was able to show him her powers. She had levitated a flower towards Paul where he was able to pick it and put in her hair. Penny didn't want to leave the woods anytime soon due to the comfort she had grown in them. But all good things must come to an end sooner or later.


Ma babies are the cutest beings alive.

also i changed the name and cover of this story bc i feel like The White Witch fits better

The White Witch || Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now