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Sometimes life takes unexpected turns when you didn't need it to. It will flip your whole life upside down and possibly do a 360 before setting you back on track. Life was never fair with anybody especially to the innocent ones.

Life was beginning to suck for young Penny Blake seeing as she was to unfriend all friends she had made. Also forget about the ones that had unfriended her first, which was going to be hard to do. Then she will have to practice of becoming a white witch with her grandmother meaning she will no longer live with her mother.

Finally life sucks even more by making her drop her feelings that were starting to grow for Paul Lahote. The boy who was there for her when her friends have all left in a flash. He was the one holding her spirit up, but without him in her life anymore she was afraid, afraid that something bad might happen.

Penny found it quite difficult to just ignore the constant paper balls being thrown at her back when she had class with Embry, Quil, or Jacob. It had made it difficult for her to turn around and smile at the small gestures they were trying to do just to talk to her. Yet she had to ignore everyone as if she was in her own world by herself.

She even had to move desks away from the boys since she usually sat right next to them in the back row. Now she sits one row away from the front making her back expose to the paper balls and the notes being pass towards her.

The bell had finally rung for lunch to start meaning she could leave the girl's bathroom stall now. Since she was hiding throughout Science knowing fully well her strong wall would break down right then and there if Paul had spoken towards her.

She looks left and right down the halls making sure none of the boys were in sight. Seeing as none were she begins to walk towards lunch making herself be easily scooped up by the large crowd of students. She had hid herself very well in the students making sure she didn't look up once when she had gotten her lunch before leaving the cafeteria without a single glance around.

Her back was press up against a set of lockers as she quietly chews her slice of grilled cheese. Notes were set out in front of the girl as she studies for her test tomorrow in AP Calculus. Her legs were crossed over one another, her head leans against the cold metal.

"I just want to be normal." Penny quietly whispers to herself while looking down at the text she had gotten from Billy saying Happy Birthday Little Pen! I love you more than Jake. It had brought a sad smile to her face but it had quickly wiped off the minute it was on.

Slowly chewing on her grilled cheese she looks down at her birthmark seeing it had not glow or stung yet. Which makes her hope it will do it after school and once she was home, but nothing really ever happens the way she wants it to go. Finger slowly tracing the designs she hums a soft lullaby to herself trying to calm her nerves.

"I can smell her out here." A deep voice breaks the silence that had consume the hallway. Her head had snap downwards making her heart speed up at the sudden deep voice knowing it had belong to Paul. "Her and I are going to talk through this even if she doesn't do most of the talking. I'm not losing her!"

"Paul, this is something Penny wants to do. Just take a chill pill and relax. She won't be able to stay away for too long anyway." That was Embry's voice.

Quickly shoving her notes in her bag she army crawls towards the end of the locker banks not wanting to be caught. She didn't want to explain to Paul about what she was and she didn't want to bawl her eyes out once she had seen him either. Her breaths were shallow when she got closer to the end of the locker's.

The heavy footing had gotten closer to her but she was planning on running when she had the chance. She figure she could just go into the library since neither of the boys even knew where the place was. It would quite enough in there for her to rest but right now she just needed to get out.

Pressing her body on end of the lockers' she held her breath while her heart thumped rapidly against her chest. The boys' footing had grown dangerously close before they had continue walking towards the other end. Taking a quick glance upwards she darts towards the library, squeaky sneakers were heard when she ran making the boys to turn around and run after her.

"Penny!" Paul's pleading voice shouts breaking her heart once more.

She takes a sharp left before running fully into the library and towards an empty aisle. She figure they wouldn't dare step into an area they were not familiar to. An area where they could not yell her name as loud as they could. Except she was wrong once again making her heart beat faster than before. Her arm began to sting her making her bite down on her lip from screaming out in pain.

Her body was soon moving to another aisle when she heard the boys' footsteps. Soon the small simple chase had turn into a cat and mouse chase except there was more cats than mice. Leaving Penny to be defenseless against them.

When a book was knocked down by her head she had nearly scream from the sudden action. Her teeth dug themselves deep into her bottom lip trying to keep any noise to escape. Her head had turn to see who might have pushed the book but her eyes were met with familiar brown ones. Jared Cameron.

"Penny don't move a single muscle, okay?" Jared whispers towards the girl. Jared should have known by now that she would not listen to a single thing he says, because she had darted into the main lobby of the library.

Her head whipped around herself when she had notice Paul, Jacob, Quil, Embry, and Jared all slowly approach her at each angle. Trapping her in as if she was a monster and they were the hunters. Her mark had begun to sting even more and a slight glow was soon showing.

Eyes darting for an escape route, Penny's breathing began to increase with the pounding of heart. Her fists were clench by her sides making her knuckles turn white. She couldn't let them talk to her. She couldn't let them trap her. She had to get away.

Noticing the windows surrounding the library Penny knew what she would have to do. Her eyes had danced their way towards Paul. Making her see his tiredness features and the look of heartbroken on his face. Penny closes her eyes before she clenches her fist tighter.

With one sharp intake of breath the windows surrounding the library had all broke.

Shattering glass downwards at the ground, Penny had darted out of the room while the diversion was created. The boys had all taken cover underneath some desks without a second thought. Letting Penny to escape the room swiftly while everyone was too busy taking shelter.

Fishing out her phone she runs downs the hallway. Her sneakers squeaks with every step she took towards the large doors.

"Nonna, it's happening." Tears streamed down Penny's face from the sudden scene she had cause back there. Her arm was now glowing brighter while the pain was beginning to numb her arm.

In nearly three minutes Nonna had pick the shaking teary girl up from a block down by her school. Fire trucks, police cars, and ambulances were rush towards the school from the sudden accident. It had not phase Nonna one bit when she heard the loud noises and bright lights flashing in her rear view mirror.

"I-I didn't hurt anybody. I promise." Penny whispers softly more to herself than to Nonna. She needed reassurance that she had not cause any harm to anybody but the windows.

"I know you didn't, sweetie. I know." Nonna grabs a hold of Penny's own hand while driving back towards her house.

The White Witch || Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now