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After school was over Jake and Quil kept asking Penny about Paul and if he hurt her. With her shaking her head in annoyance over her protective friends.

"Is Nonna home?" Quil questioned his shy companion on the phone. Jake and Penny were currently being followed by Quil as they made their way towards Penny's grandmother's house.

"No she got eaten by a big bad wolf." Penny rolled her eyes at Quil's question knowing the only reason he went over was for the desserts.

"I don't like your sarcasm Ms. Blake. You currently are turning into an Embry." Quil spoke making Jake laugh as Penny and him started going back and forth with one another trying to win the little cat fight.

"I hate you Ateara." Penny grumbled as they pulled up to her grandmother's house.

"Shut up you love me" Quil said before he hung up the phone.

The trio exit their cars and made their way up the steps smiling at the little cottage before them. This was another home for the boys and more of a home for Penny than her own.

Turning the knob Penny pushed the door open while shouting, "You're about to be blessed." Jake and Quil started laughing on one of Penny's grand entering.

"Oh piccola perla is that you?" Nonna asked as she looked into the hallway to see three out of the four friends. Nonna wiped her hands on her apron as the trio approached her in the kitchen. Giving them all a hug and a kiss on the cheek she spoke, "I just got done baking cookies. Help yourselves."

The words Nonna spoke was music to Quil and Jake's ears as they quickly dove for the cookies.

"Thanks Nonna!" Jake kissed the elder lady on her cheek as gave him a slight pinch to the cheek with her fingers.

"How was school perla?" Nonna asked her granddaughter as she took her apron off only to be met by another kiss from Quil himself.

"A pain in my butt." Penny sat on one the kitchen chairs as she grabbed a cookie for herself.

"Why?" Nonna wanted nothing but for her grandchild to adore her education for when the time is right she'll be wishing she was back in school.

"Drama." Penny spoke with food in her mouth earning a hard glare from her grandmother. Penny swallowed the cookie while muttering a "sorry".

"Pen is upset because Embry ditched us to hangout with Sam and his cult." Quil rolled his eyes as he now started feeling a bit hatred towards his old friend.

Nonna knew who and what Sam was, making her expression saddened. Seeing the young friends' destinies were coming a lot sooner than she expected. She knew who was to shift and wished she could tell Penny the reason but she couldn't. For it was not her secret to tell.

"Have you actually talked to this so called cult?" Nonna poured the trio a cup of lemonade she had freshly made. Seeing them all shake their heads she spoke back up, "I have taught you kids not to judge others based on rumors, now haven't I?"

The trio dropped their heads ashamed of themselves while giving a short "yes" to the elderly.

"So why don't you kids try talking to them and then make your own judgement." Nonna stated as she took a swig of her own cup of lemonade.

"Oo Nonna, P here has herself a lover." Jake spoke as he poked Penny's face.

Penny's eyes went wide at this statement only to stuttered out, "W-What no! I do not!" Penny quickly threw a plastic cup at Jake hitting him upside the head as he was smiling in triumph.

"Peninnah! Do not throw stuff in the house!" Nonna yelled making Quil laugh harder at Penny for her real name being used. Quil fell out of his seat onto the floor as Penny's face was beat red.

"Nonna - his - name is - Paul." Quil spoke in between each breath he took to calm himself down. Penny scowled at the boy making him die in her head over a million of times. 

"As in Paul Lahote?" Nonna asked wondering why Penny was so angry with this statement. Nonna knew of Paul and knew of his temper but the boy had a sweet side and Nonna was lucky to see it every time he asked her if she needed help with something.

"Ugh ew no. Nonna he's a jerk and he took Embry away from us." Penny groaned while hitting her head against the table hoping to at least get Paul out of her head.

"Penny do you know this for sure?" Nonna questioned her granddaughter.

Rolling her eyes Penny spoke, "No but Embry was busy for a week not talking to a single one of us and all of sudden shows up to school and hangs with the cult." Penny spoke with so much venom that a king cobra would be dead if bitten by her. Jake could see Penny was not getting over him and most likely never will.

Standing up and brushing off his pants Jake spoke, "Well I think I should get you home P. Goodbye Nonna." Jake gave Nonna a hug and kiss on the cheek as well did the others forbidding their own farewells.

Watching them head out the door Nonna realized what was coming up in a week. Penny's sweet sixteen was coming up making the elderly worry for her grandchild. For her destiny was coming closer and would drag her away from her friends before the young girl could even realize it.

Italian Words
perla = pearl
piccola perla = little pearl

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