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Her heart had began to speed up with pace from just hearing him say those two simple words

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Her heart had began to speed up with pace from just hearing him say those two simple words. Her mind began to fuzz over with no knowledge ever coming up to the surface. Her body froze from the sudden shock.

She didn't know what to say.

What to do.

Or what to even think.

This man standing before her had just said he was her father. He had just announce that he has been looking for her, for who knows how many years.

"I-I-" Penny began to stutter out, her palms were starting to sweat from her nervousness. the strange man had interrupted her.

"You don't have to say anything my little Penninah. All you have to do is give your old man a hug." He smiles at the girl while extending his arms out for her. Something about the way he was smiling at the girl made her want to turn around and run. To instantly leave the forest and search for the pack, but then again she wanted to believe that this man was finally her father, he who had left her and her mother for several years.

"Where did you go?" Penny stays still in her spot not wanting to get any closer to the man, she was afraid this was only a trick. She didn't want to run up and hug her father if he would only disappear.

He had looked confused for a second before letting his smile turn into a deep frown, "Your mother took you away from me, with the help of your grandmother. I had wanted to cheat the system and help you develop your powers when you were a toddler, so you could better control them. Except your mother was persistent that you never learn, so they had fooled me and took you away."

Water began to build up in the young blonde's eyes from hearing the horrible tragedy. It had explain why her mother never wanted to talk about her father, and why she behaved the way that she did. Except she couldn't believe that Nonna had taken her away when her father could have helped the girl with her powers at an earlier stage.

"How did you find me?" Penny's voice crack towards the end of her question. Tears soon begun to stream down her face as she tries to hold back her sobs.

Her father walks over towards the girl, but very carefully as if she was a wild animal. His hands had pressed themselves on her shoulders as he looks down at her. "Once your powers were activated, I got a sense of feeling of where you were. I traveled all the way from Massachusetts just to find you, my little princess."

His hand had titled her chin up to look back up at him. She sniffles a bit from the running mucus, but she soon throws her arms around her father's waist. His own arms wrapped themselves around her while he pressed her ever so tightly to his chest. He finally had his daughter back into his arms, and he was never going to let her go, even if it kills him.

"I've missed you so much." Penny cries out while shaking from so much emotion she was letting out. Soon the forest floor began to  shake with girl making them both rock back and forth in their position. Her father had taken notice of the girl's powers and instantly calmed her down, which made the ground stop.

"I think it's time you and I had a little father and daughter bonding, don't you think?" Her father asks her with a soft smile spreading across his lips. A bright smile spread across her lips, wiping away the happy tears she nods her head in agreement.

Ever since she was a little girl she wanted to know what it was like to have a father figure. To have a male role model in her house that was actually blood related to her, and not her friends' fathers act like one. Though she consider Billy a father figure, it still didn't seem right, because he wasn't technically her father. He had children of his own, who he had to look after, so it seemed unfair for the girl to ever call him dad.

Her father smiles at the girl before extending his hand outwards for her to grab. Without a second thought running through her head she grabs his hand with her own. Soon the black fog that once covered the ground, and blocked her surroundings was now wrapping itself around the two figures.

"We are taking the fast route." Her father says once he noticed that the girl was confused. Nodding her head they both watch the black fog block their surroundings while they had vanish in thin air.

In less than two seconds the black fog had disappear from their sight leaving zero traces of it behind. Penny could see that they had appear in an alleyway.

"Come child." Her father demands before walking out of the alley. Penny didn't notice that she had been staring at her surroundings longer than expected. She hurriedly run up next to her father, where they both were walking in-sync.

"So, what are we doing?" Penny asks her father. His eyes were staring ahead of him not paying much attention to the blonde next to him, until she had spoken taking him out of his trance.

"I aspect normal fathers and daughters bond over dinner, right?" He asks not really knowing what the human's do to bond with their children. It had been a long time since he had last hung around humans to know what they actually do in a daily activity.

"Oh, yeah! There's a small diner up here." Penny points ahead of them where a small diner was located. While walking the girl takes the time given to her to finally look over her father's features.

It had weirded her out on how he had bright red eyes for being a witch, when only vampires were known for having those eyes. Then he had the brightest red hair she had ever seen besides Victoria, she was thankful she did not get her father's trait, because she would hate to be a ginger.

Then there were small scars lining his face showing all the hardships he had went through his life, but he had yet survived each one. Leaving him to tell his overdramatic tales on how he had gotten each one by either fighting a vampire or wrestling a shapeshifter.

Walking into the diner with her father right besides her was a whole knew experience. It was an experience she was going to treasure for the rest of her life, because she had not only finally met her father, but also she had her first actual father and daughter bonding with him.

A bright pearly white smile was spread across her face reaching from ear to ear. Her eyes held twinkles in them from her over excitement of spending time with her father. She was so happy that she believed that the day couldn't get any better.

Which is she was so right about, because once she had walked in everyone held frowns upon their faces. Tears were seemed to be cascading down their cheeks with their eyes swollen puffy eyes. Everyone seemed to have stopped what they were doing to listen to what was being said through the phone that was most likely on speaker.

Curiosity got to the best of Penny making her slowly wander towards the crying residents. Her father followed in pursuit directly behind the girl wondering what may have caused such a distress in the public for the humans not want to do anything, but listen to whatever was being said on the other line of the phone.

Once she had gotten in earshot she had heard only muffles. Then a weak woman's voice was heard loud and clear through the muffles as the words she spoke broke every piece of Penny's heart. Her eyes had suddenly started to water as her heart had stopped beating from shock.

Harry Clearwater was pronounced dead. Seth and Leah Clearwater's father was dead leaving his, now, widow wife behind with their two children. The man she consider as her uncle was now dead.

I cried when harry died

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