Chapter 7. Lunch.

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At lunch I decided to sit with Leah and a few others who didn't belong to any specific group. 

I didn't really want to sit with the squad. They looked at me hopeful as I walked in and Charlotte gestured to a chair nearest to her for me to sit. But I couldn't do it. Not with all of them staring at me. So I opted for sitting on the table next to the squad and the Jocks.

Paul and I used to sit at the 'popular' table all the time, it was where we belonged. But now I don't see all the hype, they're not really that happy and cheerful, they just look it. It's all fake.

I just wanted to breeze through the day and the rest of the year like I was invisible. I don't need any more drama than I already have.

Paul sat at his table with Jared, they formed their own table after they turned, they needed to keep their distance from the others just in case they accidentally let something slip in front of them, or in case someone tried to come over one day and saw a giant wolf running around, or in Paul's case, one of them says something he doesn't like and he gets too angry and phases in front of them. 

Anyway, I definitely don't want to sit with Paul, especially after this morning. Asshole. 

"Hey Liv" Eddie Williams approached our lunch table. He was on the football team. He didn't get to play much but he acted as if he was the state champion. Eddie was one of the tallest boys in school, he had short brown hair and blended in with the rest of the boys, he wasn't any more important than anyone else.

"Hello" I turned half my body to look at him not acting happy at all. I don't care what he has to say. I guarantee he's going to hit on me or try and make a comment about my baby. When I was a cheerleader I was always happy to see everyone but now I didn't have to be nice to anyone I didn't want to. If I could, I was hoping to get rid of him as soon as possible. 

It wasn't in my schedule to get harassed by a wannabe footballer. But I guess if I was bound to be harassed by someone today I'd rather it be him than Amy. She has way too much dirt on me.

"So you have a kid now?" I squinted at him, was he serious? This idiot actually thought that was the best thing to say to me? And the way he was looking at me just made me uncomfortable, like he was so smart for knowing I had a child and he was the first person to ever say it out loud. 

"No I just got fat because I felt like it and then took time off to lose all the weight" he laughed loudly as if I had told him the funniest joke in the world. Everyone started looking at us, especially Amy. Was he her new play toy? Was she jealous?

"Yeah uh, if you want to just dump it on Lahote then I can take you out and you know" He looked me over with raised brows while licking his lips "Nothing you haven't done before, obviously. We all know you're down" wow. WOW. I was in shock, what the fuck? Was he serious? 

"Alright" a big tanned hand was placed on his shoulder and he was jerked back "You need to leave" Paul growled, shaking furiously. The cafeteria was silent and everyone was watching. 

Great, this is exactly what I wanted, a hero named Paul and an audience to go with him. 

"Last I heard you two weren't together" Eddie gestured back and forth between Paul and I. 

He's right though, we're not together. 

The rest of the football jocks stood behind Eddie to back him up. They stared down Paul, some juggling a football in their hands and others puffing out their chests, trying to intimidate him. I felt like I was watching some angsty high school movie. 

That would be a very bad Idea if the footballers decided to challenge Paul. He could take them all, and with Jared here it would be quite quick and easy for them to take out the football team. 

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