Chapter 39. Roommates.

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Alice dragged us into one of the many spare rooms where there were shopping bags that were still new and unopened, all with designer names on them. Nothing was too good for the Cullen's.

"We have all this girl stuff that we never got to use and it'd be a waste to throw it all away, so it's all yours, toys, clothes, diapers, bibs, you name it and we've got it. If you don't take it then it will just go to the donation pile. It'll save you some money at least"

"Thank you Alice" Jacob hugged her. I guess he was put in a pretty good mood after learning about our little girl. 

"As much as I like the hug, it's a little weird" Alice was a bit stiff, unsure of what to do.

"Agreed" I pulled Jacob off of her "You're freaking me out with how nice you're being"

"Am I not allowed to be nice?" 

"No" Alice and I both chorused.

"Carlisle we have company!" We immediately stopped laughing and rushed down onto the front porch to see some cloaked vampires standing on the front lawn. They couldn't let us have a single day of happiness. We were so happy and Jake was laughing, I haven't seen him laugh in a while. 

"Jane, Alec, to what do we owe this pleasure?" The Cullen's made sure they were stood right in front of me.

"Just simply offering our congratulations on your baby girl" Of course they knew, they were probably listening to our appointment. "And to talk to the breeder" 

"She has a name" Rose growled.

"We would like to offer you a chance to come with us now and we won't cause anymore trouble. This is the only time we will be offering this to you so choose wisely"

"The answer is no" Jacob held me tightly "Now leave" They looked towards me waiting for my answer, if they take me then they're also taking my baby girl. 

"No" All they want is for me to give them an army of wolves, I will not let them take my babies or use me like that. It's vile and I feel sick just thinking about it "Leave" They brought their hoods back up and turned to leave without another word. We rushed back inside watching the windows for their return.

"They are planning something. I can feel it" Emmett was restless, he couldn't stop moving around. But we all were. What if they walked back out of the treeline with an army of vampires and attacks. 

"Okay calm down. They won't be making a move now, that's just stupid. We are at our prime. The smart thing to do would be to wait. Wait until Olivia is nearly full term and when the pack are vulnerable with Emily's baby there as well. They will count on us being tired and not expecting it" Jasper turned into commander mode. "They won't give up. We need to organize a constant presence around you. I'm going to suggest Edward and Bella move into Sam's with you. That way you always have a shield and a mind reader. They can't effect Bella with their tricks and Edward can hear them coming" Hell no. That bitch isn't living with me. 

I would rather have Jasper come and stay in the same bed as Jacob and I than have Bella come and even be in the same house as me. 

"It's the best option we have" Edward was trying to reassure Bella who didn't look any happier than I did. She was responsible for my life now and the life of my babies. I'm screwed.

"Your family risked their lives for mine so it's only fair that I return the favor" Okay, she might be ballsy enough to take the high road but I will never be her friend or get along with her. She can walk the high road all on her own. And Edward I know your listening but I would appreciate it if you could get out of my head. Thanks. 

"Fine, if it keeps them safe. I'll call Sam, tell him to set up the guest room" Jacob placed a soft kiss on my temple and let go of me to go outside and call Sam. Not only are the Volturi after us but now I have to actually live with Bella. Great. Love it. Couldn't be happier. 



"I can't believe this" I sat on the hood of Jacob's truck watching them move into the spare room. They didn't have much but enough to last them months. They better not be here forever. And of course Renesmee came with them, she was loving it but it meant more stuff and more mouths to feed "I can't believe you agreed to this" Leah sat next to me on the truck shaking her head in disbelief. "The elders would be rolling in their graves right now. My Goddaughter better come out of there quickly so they'll leave"

"She is not your Goddaughter, you are Mason's godmother, you can't have both. Don't be greedy" Leah opened her mouth in shock. 

"Who else would be Godmother? Your new best friend Bella?"

"No. And she's not my friend, she's Jacob's friend" Leah laughed and threw up a chip to catch in her mouth. We had been sitting here just watching everyone acting friendly and thanking Edward and Bella for coming. Leah refused to talk to them but she wasn't the only one.

"Thank you" Paul snatched the chip bag off of Leah and jumped up on the hood next to me "How's my Goddaughter doing?"

"Perfect, she doesn't even know the trouble that's already coming for her" Leah shoved me into Paul with a pissed off look on her face.

"Wait! He get's to be Godfather? Why can't I be Godmother?" 

"You're Mason's Godmother" Paul scoffed throwing a chip at her.

"And you're his dad" Leah snatched the bag back and stuck her tongue out at him.

"Guys please, you're giving me a headache. We still have a few months to argue about it so we'll just leave it for today, yes?"

"Okay, fine. But I will not give up" 

"You should" That's it. I took the chip packet and started hitting Paul and Leah with it, the chips were flying and they were yelling for help. Don't piss off a pregnant lady. I emptied the rest of the packet and threw it away. That'll teach them. "The chips! You are evil! Pure Evil" Paul whined.

"And you're an idiot" For some unknown reason, Leah and Paul have started slightly getting along. A lot more than they used to. A part of me hopes maybe Leah is lowering her wall a little bit. 

I jumped off the car and went inside to the living room where Seth and Renesmee were watching some cartoons. Mason was with them, he loved watching cartoons. 

"Hey Mase" He walked over and held up his arms for me. I picked him up and leaned back in my chair. Mason was sitting so he was facing the tv and his back was pressed against my chest. It felt nice to just sit with Mason and not worry for just a moment. 

"Hey, look I know you don't want us here-"

"You don't know me" I cut Bella off giving her a death stare "I want what is safest for my family and if that's you being here then so be it. Truce for now" I held out my hand to her to shake. This is me being civil for my family.

"Yeah, truce" Her hand was cold and hard and I hated it. It made me feel sick holding it. I quickly let go and went back to watching the show.

"Bella?" She stopped on her way out of the room and looked back at me "I'm still going to kick your ass one day"

"You can try" she shot back with a smile. No, we are not friends.

"Yet" Edward walked passed me with a bag chuckling.



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