Chapter 38. Boy or Girl?

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They kept coming.... Showing up out of no-where. It feels like every where I turn I see a cloaked figure in the treeline, at the bonfires on the beach, on the road and in town. They were watching me, and they didn't care who knew it. 

10 weeks. 15 sightings. 15 panic attacks. 

I couldn't help but stay awake at night, wondering if they're going to take my son or my best friend. 

No one was sleeping. The Cullen's would try to help as much as they could but the pack didn't trust them a hundred percent with our lives yet. At least two pack members would always be up with any of the Cullen's as they watched the perimeter of the house. 

Today Jacob and I have our 4 month scan with Carlisle to make sure the baby is doing okay. I had to fight to stop the whole pack from joining us at the Cullen's house, it was a private moment for Jacob and myself, they can just wait to see the photos when we get home. Some things need to stay sacred.

Don't get me wrong, I love the pack but they've crossed a few boundaries the past couple of weeks. Firstly, they made Leah stop going on patrol and she has to have an escort with her at all times. Then, Paul had the nerve to try and tell me he will be sleeping in my room from now on, luckily Jacob shut that idea down straight away. Just the other week Quil walked in on me in the shower because he thought I'd just gone to the toilet and after 10 minutes of not making an appearance he panicked and barged in without even knocking. I can't do anything in peace anymore. 

This whole Volturi thing is effecting everyone's life.

Jacob keeps waking me up during the night because he is having nightmares about losing us, I hear him whimper mine and Mason's name every time they start.

Emily has been having some complications with her pregnancy due to all the stress and has been ordered to be on bed rest. I would never be able to forgive myself if something happens to her or the baby.

"I think it's a girl" Alice squealed in excitement. We all know she can't see the baby but she likes to think she still has a feeling about it. 

"Nope, it's definitely a boy. Mason needs a little brother" Alice and Emmett were arguing in the lounge while we sat there waiting for Carlisle.

"But a little girl would be such a cute addition, then you would have one of each and you could have the girl clothes that we have here that we never got to use! We haven't really had time to go through it all and get rid of them and they're all designer of course, you would have the best dressed girl around" Alice squealed with excitement "Oh it must be a girl! I wish I could see your futures!"

"Okay, okay back up. Give her a bit of space" Thank god for Jacob, he brought in a box of donuts and sat next to me "She's hungry and tired, don't annoy her"

"But I want a girl"

"Saying it isn't going to make it happen Alice. It's the man who determines the gender, well in this case, the boy" Rose snickered to herself. She thought she was hilarious "Do you have any names picked out?"

"No, we haven't really talked about it" I played with Jacob's hand, it hasn't really been our top priority lately "Mason picked his own name" I smiled at the old memory and leaving it at that. No one else needed to share the memory with me. 

"We're going to have a baby" Jacob's smile was the biggest I've ever seen it, he put his hand on my stomach "A little wolf" He was looking at me the way he looked at me when he first found out. 

"Hopefully this little wolf isn't as painful coming out as the last one was. Mason had Paul's fat head"

"Good luck, Jacob's head is pretty fat too" I covered my snickers by biting into a doughnut. His head wasn't big at all, but Jacob and Rosalie couldn't help themselves.

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