Chapter 16. Battle.

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Today's the day. Today we're going to fight. Emily prepared us a feast for breakfast so we would be fully charged for the battle ahead. We all sat around the table like a big happy family. Waiting for the time where we will have to go. 

"Sam? What happens when a wolf loses their imprint?" The whole pack froze and looked at me in silence. No one knew how to answer my question. Even Sam couldn't seem to form the right words. "If he dies what happens? If any of you die what happens? Do we all feel it? We're connected now, will I feel everything that happens to you guys if you get hurt?"

"I don't know... unless it's severe pain or death I don't think we should feel much"

"What if it Jake get's hurt? Would I feel that more than you guys?" 

"Yes. I'm not going to lie, you'll feel it a lot worse if he gets hurt. When I hurt Emily..." He paused struggling to continue. "I felt it, I felt every scratch as if it were on my own face"

"Great. Awesome. Can't wait." Seth grabbed my hand tightly under the table and nodded. I think he might be more nervous than I am. 

"Everything will be okay Livy" Paul pulled me into a side hug "There's nothing to be afraid of, we were made to kill bloodsuckers. There's no way we're losing this battle today" the boys cheered and continued to shovel food into their mouths like animals. 

Paul had Mason in his lap feeding him some banana. I took out my phone and took a quick picture. It was perfect. Mason was smiling at Paul, Paul was smiling at Mason and it melted my heart. 

"Did you catch my good side?" I kicked Paul under the table and shoved some pancakes in my mouth. 

"Alright. It's time. If we don't leave now we'll be late and I am not going to give the Cullens the satisfaction of us being late" the pack got all hyped up, they were actually excited for this. Even Leah was excited. Hopefully they'll keep safe. I gave them all one last hug and took Mason off of Paul for a quick hug.

"Love you little wolf" I handed Mason to Emily and took in every inch of his beautiful face before turning to enter the front yard  where the guys were all hyping each other up. 

"Go kick some ass" The wolves howled then took off in the opposite direction leaving me and Seth here to sort ourselves out. They better be safe, I won't forgive them if they're reckless and end up hurt. 

"You ready to watch everyone else save the day?" Seth led the way to the forest edge. 

"At least we'll be safe while still playing a part"

"You realize they stuck us up there because there will be zero action up there" 

"I wouldn't say zero... I get to try subtly knock Bella over. You can enjoy that" Seth shook his head at me and disappeared behind a big tree to phase. Leah would have appreciated that joke. I know she would have.

"Seth can I ride you up there? I want to talk to Jake before he goes and I kind of need to be human for that" Seth re-appeared from behind the tree and nodded his head towards his back for me to get on. I quickly jumped on his back and held on tight as he took off. 

Today will be fine. Everyone will be fine. We've been training and the Cullen's said themselves that the wolves are an unknown thing. They will be a surprise and the newborns won't know how to handle them. The pack had the upper hand. 

"Do you think anything interesting happened last night?" I heard Seth groan. He knew what I was insinuating. If Jacob was phased right now he could see if anything happened with Jacob and Bella, what they talked about, whether she was touchy with him or not? I just don't trust her. "You know what? Forget I asked" 

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