Chapter 19. Three Words.

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"Go! Go! Go!" 

"Sammy no more! Please!" I bent over with my hands propped on my knees to catch my breath. Sam had apparently decided that we needed to train more so he's been having us do laps of the beach all morning. I may be a wolf but I can't run forever "Isn't this a little excessive? When am I ever going to run this long"

"You never know when you'll need to run" Sam sprinted at me and pushed my shoulder.

"You're an ass!" I looked up from my new spot on my back in the sand. 

"Nice view?" 

"Shut up and help me up" Sam took my outstretched hand and pulled me up next to him. "Can't we do something cooler? Like practicing our fighting skills" I took a step back and started punching Sam in the shoulder. 

"Hey boss! If the princess gets to stop running can we stop running?" The guys returned from their 50th run to the other end of the beach and back and sat down on the sand.

"What are you doing weirdo?" Jacob snorted while I stood there still punching Sam's shoulder.

"Why? You want some of this?" I turned to Jacob, jumping on the spot with my fists still up in the air. 

"That's not all I want" Jacob charged at me low, ducking under my hands and wrapping his arms around my waist, then throwing me over his shoulder. I tried to contain my laughter and drummed a tune on Jacob's ass. "Hey! No touching the goods" 

"Alright, enough you two. One more lap for everyone and then we're done" Sam pointed his finger down the beach commanding everyone to start running. No! No more laps... 

Jacob placed me back on the ground and took off running with the rest of the pack. 

"Wanna ditch?" Leah leaned over and whispered in my ear "I feel like jumping off a cliff, literally" 

"I'm down" Paul fell into step besides us "I'm done with this 'training' thing" 

"Count us in" Embry called over his shoulder gesturing to Quil and Jake who were running besides him. 

"Same" Seth and Jared both chimed in as well. 

"Okay, when I say go, everyone dart into the forest" I glanced back at Sam who wasn't watching us anymore. "Go!" In perfect synchronization everyone changed their direction to the left an we flew into the trees laughing and whooping at our victory. I think after our hard work we've deserved a little fun. Sam can stress for a little bit, he deserves it. 

It didn't take us long to reach the top of the cliffs, as soon as we burst through the tree line the cold breeze was so refreshing. 

"You going to jump with me?" Jake snuck up behind me snaking his arms around my waist and his chin leaning on my shoulder. 

"You jump, I jump. Isn't that how it works now?" I turned my face towards Jake's cheek and planted a big kiss on him.

"You're perfect, you know that?" I rolled my eyes at his corniness. Of course I'm perfect to him, he has to think that. 

"I know" Jacob dug his fingers into my sides causing me to squeal and try to wiggle out of his embrace "Stop Jake!" 

"I think your ego needs to be taken down a notch or two"

"You two going to jump or should we give you some privacy" Paul joked. "Just remember, if it's not on, it's not on" Ew, I really don't need Paul giving me advice about my personal life. And who is Paul to give anyone advice on that anyway? We have a kid together, he obviously needs to learn to take his own advice. 

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