Chapter 40. Pain.

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"I love you" Jacob trailed kisses along my jaw line and down my neck trying to cover every inch of my skin "So much..." his stubble would tickle my skin with every inch he moved. I placed my hand under his chin and brought his face back up to mine. I lightly traced my fingers over all the lines and creases on Jake's face, his brows, his eye creases, his cheek bones and then I ended on his lips. 

"That's nice, but it's still not happening" He groaned loudly and flopped down onto the other side of the bed "I told you" I moved onto my side and delicately traced circles on his chest "As long as your best friends are here, it will never happen" I patted his chest twice then threw off the covers sitting on the edge of the bed. Two weeks they had been here, and it's been a tough two weeks, everyone was top toeing around them. But it's also been two weeks since we've heard from the Volturi. 

"You can't resist me forever" I felt the bed shift as he quickly scooted over and wrapped his arms around me, trailing kisses down my neck, he knew my weakness, it was the one spot that made me submit all the time. But not this time, I have to stand my ground, I will not have Bella listening in on us. Even if it's unintentional, she has vampire hearing. And I definitely don't want Edward in my head while it's happening.

"I can sure as hell try" I yanked his arms off and jumped up before he could grab me again. I will not give in. I rushed downstairs to the kitchen. Both me and the baby are starving. "Food!" I squealed grabbing a waffle and biting straight into it. 

Renesmee laughed at me as she ate with her parents by her side. I nodded to Edward and Bella, yes, we had called a truce but still avoided each other as much as we could.

"Hey Jakey!" The wolves snickered at his disappointed facial expression. I'll assume that they all know why he's frustrated. Who knows what he thinks about when I'm not phased "I don't know what your problem is man, when she was pregnant with mason she wouldn't stop, 24/7 she was so hor-" I threw the waffle that was in my hand at Paul's face hopefully hard enough to knock him out. 

"Really Paul? Rachel is literally right next to you!"

"I'm okay with it" Rachel shrugged laughing.

"Please just ignore him" I wrapped my arms around Jacob from behind and rested my chin on his shoulder.

"Hey Paul" Jacob called over everyone. Everyone was waiting to see what his comeback would be. Edward was already trying to hold in his laughter, I wonder which of these idiots he's laughing at. 

"Yes Kitten?" Paul's stupid grin was all over his stupid face.

"You just lost Godfather" Paul's smile instantly fell off his face, and the most unexpected person in the room laughed first. Leah practically spat out her food laughing. Most of the people in the kitchen were silent just watching her, how her hair fell in front of her face and how she had to clutch her stomach from laughing so much. 

Sam was watching her with a small smile. It had probably been a very longtime since he'd seen her smile. I guess since anyone else has seen her smile other than Seth and I. 

"What are you looking at" And there it is, her stone bitch face was back and the attitude laced her words. She was uncomfortable with everyone staring at her. She kept shifting under everyone's eyes. And then of course her only thought on how to change the subject was... "Jacob has blue balls"

"Leah! oh my god there are kids in the room" I put my hands over Mason's ears hoping he won't go around saying 'blue balls'. I sent an apologetic look to Edward who was trying not to laugh, thankfully I don't think Renesmee is even listening.

"Personally I think you're over-reacting. Just do it, everyone hears you guys all the time anyway"

"Ew Rach... That's it, we are having a dry spell until we move out" I cringed thinking about all the times I've heard Sam and Emily and for some reason I never even clicked that they could hear me too.

"Thanks Rachael. Really appreciate it" Jake growled at his sister "Can we stop talking about sex? I'm sure Edward doesn't want all the mental images of everyone having sex in his head"

"So Cullen, what's Sam thinking about right now" Jared's face lit up with his new idea, like he had a new toy to play with. Sam froze on the spot, probably threatening Edward in his mind in some way.

"I can tell you Sam is picturing strangling Paul with the tablecloth for talking about Olivia the way he does and Embry just pictured Olivia naked in some kind of memory that Jacob has shared with them and Paul is now running through the memories he has shared and Quil is telling himself not to picture anyone naked. Leah is picturing killing me and Mason is thinking about how good the muffins taste. You'd be surprised how many times someone pictures someone else naked when they know there's a mind reader around. Just name a person and everyone will automatically picture them naked" I instinctively moved my arms across my chest, they are just a big bunch of pervs.

"Really?" Paul wiggled his eyebrows. 

"Paul" Jacob growled in warning, he better watch it if he says my name. I rested my hand on his arm. I could take whatever Paul threw at me. I made eye contact with Paul and shook my head, he needs to leave it. If he says Emily's name, Sam will kill him. If he says Kim's name Jared will kill him. If he says my name Jacob and Sam would kill him and he says Leah's name, I will kill him.

"Another time" Everyone in the room started breathing again, I hadn't even realized I was holding mine. 

"You're an idiot" Rachel shook her head at him. He is so lucky he didn't say any names.

"Love you too" He nuzzled into her neck. 

A sudden crash made everyone whip their heads towards the sink. Emily propped herself against the bench and placed her hands on her stomach. Sam moved quickly across the room to help her. Everyone jumped up watching them closely, ready for action. 

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I'm fine, just a little pre-labor pain is all, I'm pretty sure there is a name for it, all professional and doctor-y but I can't think about it right now. I'll clean that up" Emily rubbed her hands over her belly in a soothing way. Hopefully that's all it was, I got it once with Mason and it scared the crap out of Paul and I. 

"I'll get it" Sam started to pick up the broken plate and the rest of us sat back down. 

"I'm sorry to worry you all" Emily cut herself off with a cry of pain as she braced herself again and her face contorted in pain"Hospital Sam. Hospital Now!" Everyone jumped into action, Jared and Paul ran out to start up the truck and Sam picked Emily up bridal style. 

Something was definitely wrong.


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