Chapter 36. Bitch.

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They're back. I can't believe they're back.

We had heard the howl only seconds ago, it was a happy howl. One of victory. It didn't take long for everyone to run out the house and into the yard, just waiting for them to emerge from the treeline. I just need to know everyone is still okay and alive. I think we all do. I need my family to be okay. 

Rachel was squeezing my hand so hard it was actually hurting me a little, we hadn't left each other's sides since the packs left. Our families were out fighting an army, we needed them to live. 

I could hear footsteps, lots of them. Does that mean they're all okay? Or just most of them? I wish they'd just hurry up and get to the yard. 

Sam was the first one to emerge from the trees going straight to Emily. With his arms already around Emily, Sam reached out and pulled me to them.

"We didn't have to fight, we're all okay" I wiped away my tears that had started falling without my permission. They were tears of happiness so, at least that's a plus. 

Jacob was next out of the tree line and I let out a giant sigh of relief. He was okay. I left Sam and ran up to Jacob throwing my arms around him and gripping tightly.

"We sent them running" Paul yelled in victory pulling Rachel into a big hug. I couldn't contain the roll of my eyes at the cockyness. I think I almost saw my own brain. 

"You were lucky" Rachel shut them all down "You could have died"

"Yes ma'am. But we didn't" I heard her hit him. Hopefully on the head. It'd be good for him to get some sense knocked into that fat head of his. I saw Leah walk out of the woods and left Jacob to tackle her in a hug.

"Lee Lee, thank god you're okay"

"Yeah yeah, we didn't even get a fight. And Bella looked so crappy the whole time, constipated mostly" I pulled back and laughed. She knew how to perk me up.

"Totally gross?" I raised and eyebrow.

"Completely disgusting" We let out half-hearted laughs. Humor was always a good way to disguise true sadness. I rested my head on her shoulder and kept one arm around her. I needed to hug my best friend, especially since she doesn't have anyone else here she can be welcomed back by. 

"We have been invited to the Cullen's for a victory party" Sam barely managed to get the words out but he was trying. 

Some of the guys turned their noses but others accepted what he was saying, Paul was actually nodding his head and Embry was smiling with Quil. "And I accepted on all our behalves so we're going" I was shocked more than anyone at Sam's words "Things could have gone a lot worse today but they didn't because we worked together. All of us. So tonight we will celebrate"

"So Rachel that only gives you 2 hours to get ready, you'd better get started" Jacob cracked himself up with his joke but Rachel didn't find it as amusing. She jumped off of Paul and attacked Jacob with her fists. I took the opportunity to go and hug Paul, I'm just glad everyone is okay. 

"I'm glad you're okay"

"Me too. It's good to still have my head attached to my body"

"That's not funny Paul" He rolled his eyes and started to look around. He was looking for Mason "He's asleep, he didn't go down very well, cried for a while. I think he knew something was happening"

"He's a baby, he doesn't know what's going on"

"You don't know that. He's getting older, he's going to start noticing things more. Like the fact that his father and all his friends turn into giant wolves and there's monsters in the world"

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