Chapter 30. Love.

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"How are the pancakes?" Emily laughed as I shoved some more pancakes in my mouth and swallowed without even chewing. Esme was an amazing cook but she had nothing on Emily, these pancakes were heaven.

"Slow down there mama wolf" Is it weird to say I missed Paul calling me that? It made me feel like I was accepted back into the family.

"I'm going back today and I'm nervous, so let me eat" It's been 2 weeks, I'd talked to Jacob and Leah a lot since I left but I hadn't gone back to see them. I was getting back into the routine of being home and I'd re-enrolled Mason in daycare so he could get socialized with normal kids who one day he'd be going to school with. It was important for me to keep Mason in a calm routine that helped him to feel normal, even at a young age.

"I don't know why you're nervous, you lived with the things. They love you"

"First of all Paul they're not things. And second, I haven't seen or talked to the Cullen's since I went after Bella, what if they're mad at me for it?"

"You need to stop worrying all the time if people are mad at you. Stress less love" I picked up the next pancake and instead of putting it in my mouth I threw it at Paul's face. "Oi!" Paul picked up a spoon of yogurt and aimed it at me.

"Don't you dare. I have somewhere to be. Paul!"

"Run Liv run!" Out of no where Jared ran into the kitchen and tackled Paul to the ground getting rid of the yogurt threat "It's too late for me, go!"

"I will tell my children of your sacrifice" I fake wiped away a tear and walked out the door.

I've missed that, the playfulness. I felt like my time at the Cullen's was all serious and all about Bella and her next drama. The only thing missing is the rest of the pack. Jacob, Seth and Leah. The atmosphere is different without them around.

I sped as fast as I could, while still being safe, to my destination.

I pulled up to the large house and couldn't stop the smile spreading across my face. There he was, standing in the front yard with Emmett and Jasper going over fighting tips. I put the car in park and hoped out taking him in for a minute. He is just too perfect. 

Surprisingly they hadn't noticed I was here yet, they definitely should have heard me slam the car door. 

"Jacob" It came out in a breath but it was loud enough. Jake's head whipped around searching for the source of the noise. When he found me and our eyes met he started running at me full speed. I laughed to myself and moved toward Jacob, we met in the middle and collided hard but it didn't seem to phase us at all. I threw my arms over his shoulders and ran my fingers through his hair. "I've missed you" 

"Not more than I've missed you. I can promise you that"

"Jacob!" Jacob kept me close by his side and turned to the new voice. A small girl, around the age of 5 or 6 ran up to us smiling big at Jacob and me "Olivia!" She wrapped her arms around me "Is Mason here too?"

"Do I know you?" The little girl reached her hand up to my face and waited for me to respond. Did she want me to put my face on her hand? I knelt down and looked up to Jacob for reassurance. He smiled and nodded. Great, I was scared of a little girl. 

I let her cup my cheek and gasped. I saw images of myself playing with Mason and her? It couldn't be. Another image of me and Jacob cuddling on the couch while I was sleeping. This was amazing. It is her, and she's inherited a vampire gift.

"Renesmee?" The images stopped and the little girl smiled at me before going off on her way calling for Seth to come out of hiding. 

"Amazing isn't she?" Edward and Bella came into the front yard carrying an overnight bag "Come on Renesmee, we're leaving"

"Where's everyone going?" Carlisle and Esme walked out of the house carrying bags as well and Emmett and Rosalie were packing another car.

"Jacob can fill you in" Bella had hostility in her tone. Good, I still don't like you either bitch. I rolled my eyes very noticeably to everyone and pulled a face mimicking her words.

"Can you two stop. Please?" Jacob pulled me back against him keeping me away from Bella. For her own good I'm sure.

"She started it" I mumbled. Like a child. 

"You mean when I beat you?" I wasn't concentrating... I let her win. 

"I've been practicing, want to go for round 2?" I could take her. I know I could. 

"Bring it" I growled and tried to move towards her but Jacob tightened his grip on me. Edward grabbed Bella around the waist to hold her back. She was actually going to accept my challenge? 

"Bella enough" Jacob warned. He was on my side. It's usually me who gets told to stop. I turned and ran my hand over his cheek. He just protected me. "What are you doing?"

"You are so hot right now" I screamed as I was lifted up in the air and held tightly against Jacobs chest.  I gripped his shoulders tightly and locked my legs around his hips. Out of the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of Edward laughing and Bella scowling. Just to rub it in her face more I crushed my lips against Jacob's in an intense kiss. I felt Jacob stumble a bit as we were pushed. Bella had stormed pass us in a huff.

"You love to stir the pot don't you?" I relaxed my legs and jumped down from Jacob. 

"I have no idea what you are talking about Mr Black, I can't help it that my boyfriend is so irresistibly hot. Anyway... What is going on? Where is everyone going?"

"I'll fill you in when we get back home"

"Home?" Is he saying what I think he is saying? I couldn't stop the smile rushing to my face.

"Yes, home. Do you think you can wait a few more minutes?"

"It'll be tough but I think I can do it. Not a second linger though"

"Deal. Come on, I'll race you" Jacob took off towards the treeline. I guess I'll get my car back later. 

"Cheat!" I ran after him pulling off my clothes on the way to the forest. 

The cheat is probably already halfway there. 

'Have I ever told you that you're a beautiful wolf?'

'Yes, every time we phase together'

'Well you are just too beautiful' We stopped outside of the house and Jacob's wolf turned back around to face me, he slowly stalked up to me and rubbed his head against mine. 'Beautiful'


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