chap 3

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Abu mas'ud uqbah bin Amar,Al-an sari' Al-badri(may Allah be pleased with him)Reported : that the messenger of Allah (PBUH) said " whoever guides someone to virtue, will be rewarded equivalent to him who practices that good action". [MUSLUM].

I arrived home quite weak, I haven't eaten since morning.
And talking to maryam throughout break period prevented me from getting anything from the cafeteria.

" Falmata you're back" said yagana.
No, am not.
"Yes , maryam's driver dropped me off  on their way home" I said dropping my bag pack on the sofa.

"And you are still here " I asked throwing the question right in her face.
Not interested in what ever she had to say , I headed straight to the kitchen. I bet the girl wants to stay till my proposed wedding day, the thought of that makes me angry.
I took two slices of bread from the fridge and made a quick Sandwich to take at least before lunch is serve.

I went to my room and offered my obligatory prayer, afterwards I took a quick shower as I changed into my Islamic uniform, getting ready to go to Islamic school.

We normally attend Islamic school - madarasa after  coming back from western school.
At least everyone did before they got married and changed schools.
I decided to greet mah, as I do always before leaving for Islamic school.
"Ndarubdo Mah(Good Evening mah)", I greeted.
"Klewaslai(Evening my child )" says mah in response to my greetings.
"And where are you going to , Now asked mah.
Didn't mah, see my outfit Or has she grew this old that she has forgotten that i do go for islamiyya.
"Islamiyya of course" I answered mah.
"Yes , I can see that" says mah.
"Didn't yagana delivered my message?"  Adds mah.
Huh ..
"Yagana ro gulgna(I told yagana)", mah continues.
"To inform you that waltum Islamiya ro Le nimba sai gawo lorusam me(you won't be going to islamiyya until after your wedding)".
What now, why is this woman acting so antique.
"What " I almost yelled.
"Mah, islamiyya fah".
"Yes, you won't be going" says mah bluntly.
"Fato kwam men tamo nimin abuja lan (You will continue with it in Abuja at husband's house says mah)."
Sub hanallah .
Tears began to rush down my eyes as I hear mah continued with the additional information.

First I am going to get married to someone I can't even remember and now I am moving away, this is just too much.
"Mah let me go ,to islamiyya just this once" I beseeched her.
"No says mah" in a definite tone.
"Habah mah, mah dane sayya Salamge mana (let me at least bade them good bye)" i whined.
"Ok , Ok, just go" says mah.

Why did mah , agreed so easily asked my subconscious.
Who cares right now .
I smirked knowing that I did got my way with mah.
I had defeated mah's decisions for the first time since the week has begun.

I went to islamiyya very early.
Earlier than I normally do.
It was so unlike me to do so,
But I need to make the last impression about me worth remembering.
All eyes were on me.
I know everyone would be surprised to see this early,! Even i am surprise too. The classes went smoothly and it was really amazing.
I learnt new things today., including that I can't fight my qadr, but accept it.
As Allah is all knowing , All hearing.
I told sadiya about everything that has been going on.
Sadiya and maryam are the two close friends that I have.
But different from one and another.
Sadiya promised to always keep in touch to me.
She acted more matured than maryam did .
Anyways sadiya is 2years older than maryam and I.
She indeed felt my pain, but what else could she have done to make things better if not to pray on my behalf to the Almighty.
I hugged sadiya really tight knowing that this might be the last time I will see her.
Who am I kidding, am just overacting things.
Maryam whom was in a different class from us.
Met us and we all three spend some quality time with each other, making our way back to our respective houses.


I sat down quietly in my room thinking about how much I am going to miss my friends and the fun we have together when I moved to the capital.
Hell no, right now the only thing I hate is myself and the life I live.
I felt a hand wipe my tears off.
I haven't even realise when I started crying
"Yagana" I muttered
"Yes, dear".
"Please stop crying. I know it's not easy but you need to trust Allah and accept your fate
It's nothing but a test from Allah, try to pass it" she said.
"I know mah, seems like the antagonist in your story but trust me she's not.
She's doing what any mother would do for her child".
I hugged yagana and wept on her shoulders as she continues to cheer me up.
"Mah says I should give you this to drink" Said yagana giving me a dark drink
"Eww" i exclaimed.
"Please take it,it's good for you and besides mah, won't be happy if you don't".
I closed my eyes and squeeze my face as i took the first gulp.
Well I have a feeling that this is going to be how my new life would be from now on pleasing, pleasing and pleasing.
Pleasing all the people around me.

Short chapter right.

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Carltumee 💋

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