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Shakirat, here's your update

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Shakirat, here's your update.


# Unedited
I woke up quite edgy.  I had to drag myself out of the bed. I somehow felt nervous giving my instinct was weary and plop back on the bed.
You're being lazy, both you and I. Knowing  you are just making things up we both know you have phobia for height. ' Shut up ' I screamed inside my head knowing quiet well , where my subconscious is heading at.
I lazily made my way to the bathroom,  turn on the faucet and washed my face .I stood there for ages reminiscing on how I got invoke on the this trip
"Mum, dad where are you" screamed mustapha.
Right here" , Mum yelled back referring to the sitting room.
Mustapha found his way to the sitting room.
The sitting room was beautifully decorated with  posh Italian sofa's and throw pillows. Mum would always rant about how priceless they are because she had to hand picked them. Atleast  must of them in Rome.  In the middle was a massive pattern based Persian Rug. Across the sitters ,lay a king-sized arm chair with a foot table.
Mum , Remember that project I having  been trying  to get in Spain,  the one I got an acknowledgment over weeks back ' said mustapha all in one breath.
Yes son" said Mum.
What about it" asked Dad.
Well, the Grin on mustapha's face says it all,
It's going to be a good news is thought from a far.
I got it" , he yelled.
Spinning shettima around  the living room.
Easy there', said Dad also ecstatic.
Both mum and Dad congratulated him.
Am leaving tomorrow " says mustapha  dropping the bomb and the outcome was mum and Dad's smile sinking in.
Why so soon' , Mum asked.
Mum it has to be tomorrow" said mustapha.
And I wouldn't want to go alone so am going with sameera.
What. .No, you have to realize you are  married now and falmata should always be your priority ", scolded mum.
Do I really have to go with Bama girl " Mustapha Soliloquized.
Say what now" Mum frowned.
Ok, I will go with her groan mustapha.
But , said mustapha ,Gaining everyone's attention.
But , sameera has to come because she's part of the project.
I entered into the jacuzzi and had a warm bath. The room smelled of roses from my bathing soap, When I came out.
I closed my eyes enjoying the nice cent , as I sat on the dressing room.
Having no clue on what to pack or what to wear,  I decided to wear anything on display.
I ended up with  a beige gown along with a spotless golden veil hijab.
I packed my suitcase with mostly long gowns and wrap hijjabs and ran back to the dresser where I applied some kohl and Mac powder.  I added lip gloss and I was ready to go.
I was about to leave when fanna came barging in. Let me help you with your box" she offered to help.
Ok , let's go " I said calmly.
Don't tell me, you are leaving shoeless ' teased fanna.
Whattt, I looked down and realise not only was fanna right but also  did I forgot to pack any shoes.
I grab four pairs of loafers and flats and toss them into my box.
I wore a black shoe and tried to think straight. I clearly have nothing on my mind but it kept drifting away.
Are you thinking about leaving with sameera and mustapha " fanna asked rather curiously.
No", I sob.
Please,  don't. You are one of the strongest girls I know. And if you are concerned about sameera, then have your trust in Allah.
I gasp.
Remember when sameera had mustapha return you to school to write exams at the nick of time?", asked fanna.
Yes, I nodded.
She wanted you to fail, so she could rant about it but you prove her wrong you passed and am so proud of you.
I want you to always be that girl , whom never let her enemies succeed."
Ok, i said fallen onto fanna's temple.
Have you pack your lingerie?. Miss forget , teased fanna.
Yeah, I replied quite confident.
It's inside my suitcase.
Check the Zip up there, if I have packed them" I instructed fanna.
Nothing is there, just piece of papers" said fanna.
God,  my pupil dilated.
Is everything ok? , a concern looking fanna asked.
Yesterday mustapha gave me his papers to keep in his trolley when i was about to pack my lingeries. I must have exchange them.
Dang it.
Ha ha ha ha, fanna laughed. I wish I would be there when your heart-throb finds it "
Enough! !, i yelled in frustration.
The drive was as lame as ever. I sat at the back sit while sameera sat  on the front sit near her sweet heart, my husband. I shrugg the feeling of abrupt jealousy as the car pulled over. 
We made our way inside the airport.
Once we were on the plane , mustapha and sameera left the second class section,leaving me dumbfounded.
Sameera, I called out.
Where are you going to ?, and why am I here ?" I asked quite lost.
To the first class area she replied, cheekishly."
And why do I have second class ticket? , I said.
Don't be silly dear , she said letting loose and annoying laughter.
Because village girls like you, do not deserve the best life has to offer" she said.

W wwhat, I stutter.
Mustapha , i muttered but sameera drag him away from there.
I stood at my exact position, turning my waterworks on.
No, no this can't possibly he happening.
If am treated this way here only God knows how I will be treated there, I rant as more tears found there way to the coven of my cheeks.
Sameera is such a conniving b....
Miss,stop crying, it doesn't fit a young lady like you to be crying ? Said a lady who seem to be in her mid 30's.
I ignored her and sob even harder .
It makes you look ugly and fatter " she said.
I couldn't help but look up at.
Crying " she said.
Are you ok", she asked.
Yes, I lied.
Recall what the prophet (PBH)said about telling lies? ? .
I nodded my head.
Ok, I heard you and that arrogant looking lady.
I became curious looking at her.
I recently got separated with my husband by the person I regarded as a friend, that's why am here trying to get away from the atmosphere.
Am sorry, was all I said.
I honestly pitied her and surely I wouldn'twant to end up like her.
You look very young and I don't want see you end up like me. From all indications that lady seemed
Like a home wrecker.
I wouldn't want her to succeed and you have to try to stop her" she advised.
Here, she said passing me her ticket.
This is a ticket to the first class section " she said.
What i gasp and nod my head.
No, have it please.
There's no need, it's not like am going to keep her away from him or get his attention" , I said rather sadly.
No that's the problem.
You let her have him. I want you to fight for him,you have seek for your right and create distance for both of them." Said my new friend.

No but's " she cuts me off.
Have you seen the way he looks at her ?, she asked and I nodded No.
He doesn't love her"  she said.
He doesn't love her, kept ringing in my head and I felt happy.
I hugged her tightly and muttered a soft thank you.
You really do love him alot, she said and I blushed.
By the way am Maryam " she introduced her self.
Maryam, is really an angel  sent to me . She is more than a mother to me and to think that a stranger can be this nice and motivating is just wow.
I didn't catch your name" said aunt Maryam.
Fatima shehu bulama I said with a glee.
It's nice meeting you she said.
She kicked me into the first class area right when the air hostess said fasten your seat belt and turn off  your gadgets.

We finally arrive safely at Spain.
I inhaled deeply before going to the baggage claim area to claim my bag along side this beautiful lady besides me.
I saw two bags looking identical to each other and I got a little confuse.
I couldn't decide which is mine so I just picked one randomly.
I was about to leave the security check , when it went red And a troop of Port security surrounded me.
They took about me and sameera and falmata followed willfully.
I and sameera were arrested for smuggling cocaine in , I was shocked  of the charges placed upon me. I was accused of something I will never do even in my wildest dream.
I lost the will to depend my self.
Sir, you are mistaken.
I do not know him, we are not together." Said sameera,
Sameera , was all I could say.
she betrayed me. She betrayed my trust and abondon me in my time of need.
How could I be oblivious to whim she is.
I shouldn't be surprise, but I was.
I really thought I was the world to her or that was what she made me believe.
After her luggages were checked and her self also, she was set free.
I watched as sameera walked away shamelessly without even looking back.
Right there i realized how lonely and helpless I was. I began to lose hope till I sighted falmata.
My trolley was rolled in for evidence and I felt ashamed knowing falmata is there to see me at my lowest.
I wrote this chapter and it disappeared without saving . So here's another attempt. Yay or nay 🙈🙈
Yes, I know I said I would be updating till....
Good news,  am back because of a sudden bad news "Asuu".
Because of Asuu strike my exams are interrupted so I  will be updating frequently.

With lurv;
Carltumee 💋
15th August, 2017.

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