chap 14

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These chapter is dedicated to haneefahibrahim Ammahb BeybeeJu. Thanks for your endless support. All those comments and votes means earth.
Uhmm... so B4 the story here's a little poem I wrote.👇

"Today I stand in front of you naked....,
With nothing but my bare skin,
The one that glows a creamy brown with patches of black,
the skin you will so luv to feel....yes it.
I wanted you to see the scars left from pain that I felt deep within n out,
I wanted you to gaze upon my fragile little helpless self,
But all you see is a flawless skin,
full of beauty and admiration,
U look at me with so much lust,
you even wonder what my fingers do at night when no one is watching. ...well let me tell you,
They scratch the itches , I have forgotten from way back.
You were my last hope, but I guess I was the blind one .
My friable heart trust too soon and now my soul is paying the price for i am inhaling my very last breath..
~With lurv;
Carltumee 💋"

Uhmm I wrote this poem👆. So what do you think, thought I should get opinions.


walking through the living room, I spotted mum seated leg crossed looking so stiff.
She somehow looked like she was waiting for someone.
I , fanna and falmata went towards her to greet her.

When I was a little bit closer I noticed sameera at mum's side smirking, I wondered what she's up to. Oh my Allah, I hope she hasn't told mum what she told me. I wouldn't want mum to think ill of falmata without a solid reason.

Mum, squirms fanna hugging her.
Mum barely response to the hug as she focuses her attention on me.
"So, that was what happen" , said mum and my heart raced miles.

I couldn't bring my self to reply her , what if we are both taking about two different things. What sameera haven't told her yet and I would end up telling her out of ignorance. I had to control my mouth and let Mum speak. I have to stop shivering like a thief.
"And she's here", mum snarled.

I turned and looked at falmata and then sameera, confused on what to do.
"Mum, by Allah I had no idea falmata would...." I started to blurt out when mum cut me off. How stupid was i?
I can't even control my mouth after much thoughts.
"Falmata? ," she looked confuse "am talking about sameera.."said mum.

What !, "sameera .." I voiced

"Yes sameera, what did falmata do now?" asked mum.

"Nothing" I said giving mum an awkward smile, still lost.
"You left sameera at the hospital stranded. With no means to come back home, when she only went their to greet her brother", mum scold.
"Mum, I...." I tried to defend myself ,somehow relief it wasn't what I thought.
" Shut up when am talking " she scowls cutting me off.
"Do you know, sameera had to wait there all alone till we came to her rescue" .

I was glad sameera hasn't spill the bins but I was also confuse and nervous at the same time.
"Mum, I thought I instructed the office driver to wait for her " I lied.

"No, it's because you are newly wed, all you could think of, is to pick your wife up and see her near you" scold mum
"That..." haha , I scratch the back of my head, which was my normal routine each time I get nervous.
"I won't repeat it mum", I said as she dismissed us all.

I followed sameera to her room.
I need explanations, I need to know why.
For sameera not to say anything means she playing some sick game. God! .


It's was kind of strange how mustapha answered mum.
Oh well, that's his problem.
Once in my room I slump on my bed .
How I miss my room.
Yes i am over reacting I only left this room 7am, but after what had happened to day, this is exactly where I want to be, where I needed to be. I snipped the warm smell of roses coming from my bedsheets as I clutched on to it tightly.
I rest for what seemed like eternity before I got my lafaya (kanuri traditional attire). which I spread earlier on the 'kabbasa'(used in pefuming clothes).

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