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Shaykh Maher (imam of Harem Makkah) gives some very practical advice here:

He says:

Ideas for the last ten days of Ramadan :

1. Give 1 dinar in charity every night, so if it falls on laylatul qadr it's as if u gave charity everyday for 84 years.

2. Pray two ra'kaat every night, so if it falls on laylatul qadr it's as if u prayed everyday for 84 years.

3. Read Surah ikhlaas three times a night, so if it falls on laylatul qadr it's as if u read the whole Quran everyday for 84 years.

He then says spread this as you may find it on your account of good deeds in this holy month.
Ramadan kareem, my heart is sadden as for this month has come to an end. Won't you miss Ramadan and all the blessings in it?.
28th Ramadan 1438.

The next day wasn't any better, I woked up quite early and ready for school, I would say I did my normal routine but then that would be a fat lie. Well I was very ecstatic that mustapha won't be taking me to school.
Once in the car , I greeted the driver and alas fanna was by my side.
Forgetting what happened yesterday, I rolled into a conservation with her. I asked if I could get some thing from her at school but she was mute and later gave me a rejecting answer. 'Yes, sure , you can' she said.
We arrived at school early, after the normal assembly that boy stoped me.
Fatima !, here's the schedule for our tutorials.
Why can't you give it to me in class , I frowned at him.
Sorry, it's just that I have TD now and you have agric .
Ok, was all i said.
You have to be kidding me, is that the famous farouq talking to you.... said a strange voice.
Pardon? , I frowned.
Sorry, am siddiqa and farouq talks only to reserve people .
Well, then that makes me lucky, I joked.
Bye, am late for my first class, I said running.
Minutes later, the same girl walked to my seat.
Hey, you didn't tell me you offer Agric and it's rude of you to have left the way you did.
Am sorry , was all I said as she sat down.
I never got your name , she asked.
HEY, YOU! !, are you a new student here?, the teacher asked.
Yes, I nodded.
Ok come to the front of the class and introduce yourself, the teacher instructed while saddiqa poked me.
Hy, am Fatima shehu bulama .
After returning back to my seat, I noticed siddiqa had the same wary smile on her face like she did a minute ago.
Ignoring her, I sat and tried to be Lazer focus while the class goes on.
The bell finally rung, and the boring Agric teacher left, I had 3 more classes before I left for lunch break.
At the cafeteria, I spotted fanna sitting admist her friends. I waved my hands but got nothing in return, so I decided her mind wasn't there.
Grabbing my lunch from the lunch lady, which was banana pudding, a juice box and some dry potato chips I headed to where fanna was, I needed to get
The stuffs I asked her for in the morning .
Right when I was about to sit besides her, I felt a hand pulling me.
Are you mad ?, I heard siddiqa's voice.
Hey, what's wrong with you and interfering in my business, I yelled
Drawing attention to us.
Ignoring me, siddiqa dragged me away.
You don't get it, we are in feud with the other class, in particular those chicks.
What ?, who are the 'we'., I asked getting confused.
The science girls, said siddiqa.
Pulling her hands off my arm, I finally spoke.
I am me, not part of any we.
Beside when the feud started I wasn't here, so why should I care?.
Siddiqa was taking aback by what I said, so I left her standing shock.
Fanna, I yelled as I walked to her table.
Hey, what's up, with you and fanna, one of her entourage spoke.
Yes, haven't you heard her the other day?, she doesn't know you, and doesn't care to, chirp in the other mean girl.
Fanna stood there saying nothing but staring at me.
My heart broke once again, I left the scene shattered and ran as fast as I could to no where in particular.
Siddiqa was right, and I ignored her and her warnings. well I just finally found out that am part of the we.
I was running really fast until I bumped unto a hard figure, and came to a halt.
The worst is yet to come, was all I muttered before I felt myself loosing balance.

Short chapter ehn,
Promise the next would be a bit longer.
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~with lurv;
Carltumee 💋

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