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She was running

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She was running. From what Aurora didn't know. Her breath was ragged and her feet were moving as quickly as they could.

Then she saw it, the thing that was chasing her. It was a big wolf. It's teeth bared and brown fur blowing in the wind. Its pitch black eyes focused in on what it was after,  its target was her.

She continued running, hoping to get the creature away from her, she ran straight into what felt like a tree. But when she looked up she saw the face of her old friend, Bella.

But Bella had changed. Her eyes were now golden and she had a fiercely protective look in her eyes. Any hint of warmth was gone as she was pinned by her friend's stern glare.

"Bella?" Aurora asked, staring incredulously at her old friend, who had left Italy without her.

"Don't hurt her." Was all Bella said, before pls sing two cold hands on Aurora's shoulders, shoving her back.

The last thing Aurora saw was the bared teeth of a wolf growling above her.

The last thing Aurora saw was the bared teeth of a wolf growling above her

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"Jane." Demetri greeted, walking up to the blonde who was talking with her brother.

Jane glared at Demetri, not happy that her conversation with Alec was interrupted. "What is it Demetri?"

Demetri put a hand to his chest, acting hurt. "Why so cold Jane? Anyways, thought you might want to know, your human is lashing out."

That got Jane's attention. "What?"

Demetri shrugged, "I think she's having a nightmare. She started crying out while I was guarding her room. You might want to check in on her. I wanted to do something, but I don't think she would react well if she woke up to me."

Jane nodded, sending an apologetic look towards Alec who nodded in response. "Thank you, Demetri."

As she walked away, Demetri threw his fist in the air. "I got a thank you, Felix will be so jealous."

Aurora was awoken by the icy cold touch to her skin

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Aurora was awoken by the icy cold touch to her skin. Her eyes shot open as did her body. She turned to the side to see Jane, perched on the edge of the bed, worry etched on her face.

"Bad dream?" Jane asked, turning on the lamp she had gotten for Aurora. Her mate nodded. "Want to talk about it?"

Aurora nodded, swinging her legs off of the bed so she could sit beside Jane.

"I was being chased. For awhile I couldn't see what it was but then when I finally saw it, I wished I hadn't. It was a huge wolf, bigger than any I've ever seen." Jane breathed in at the familiar description. "Then as I was running, I was stopped by Bella. She was like you guys, but with the golden eyes. I thought she was going to help me, but when I tried talking to her, she threw me to the wolf. Then I woke up." Aurora explained, shivering at the memory.

"Where were you? During this dream, I mean."

"It was a field during the winter. That's all I could see, but I didn't want to see more, Jane. It was too much." Aurora leaned towards Jane who wrapped her arm around Aurora torso comfortingly. It was new for Jane, showing affection or comfort to anyone, but it seemed to come naturally to Aurora.

"When you are one of us, you'll be strong. Nothing will ever hurt you."

Aurora looked into the scarlet eyes of Jane with eyes red from crying, "Promise?"

"I promise."

"I promise too!" A voice shouted, a blur passing the open door.

Jane shut her eyes, huffing, "That would be Felix."

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