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It had been a couple of days

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It had been a couple of days. Jane only had one day to change Aurora and she was paranoid. Aurora, on the other hand, was completely calm.

"Calm down, Jane. What's to worry about?" Aurora asked the blonde, who was struggling to do her hair, her franticness preventing her. It was one of the rare occasions her steely facade had slipped.

"What if it doesn't work?" Jane asked, slamming down her bobby pin. "What if I end up killing you and not changing you?"

Aurora got up from the bed and took the bobby pin she had slammed down and started to do Jane's hair for her, "Relax. Think about what will happen if it goes right. We can be together forever. Besides, Aro said that he'd seen a vision of Alice's where Bella being a vampire. He said I was one too."

Jane turned to look at her mate. "You're right. I just need to calm down." She let Aurora finish her hair. It was messier than usual, but she was thankful for the help regardless. "So, your last day as a mortal. What do you want to do? I spent mine rather terribly."

"You know what I want to do." Was all Aurora said, pushing a strand of hair behind Jane's ear.

"Aurora, I could hurt you. Besides I don't think-"

"Not that. Jane, I'm asexual, geez." Aurora said, stepping back. "Besides, I haven't even known you for that long."

"Oh, right." Jane would've flushed if she could've, but instead looked at the ground. She wasn't used to feeling awkward, just powerful. "Then what did you mean?"

"Well for one thing: I want my last meal. Preferably milk and cookies." Aurora stated, sitting back down on the bed.

Jane joined her on the foot of the bed. "And the other?"

"Well, it was kiss you. But now I'm afraid you might be opposed to that."

Footsteps went past the door and before Jane could reply Demetri's voice floated through the air, "My gods, just kiss her already!"

Aurora giggled. "I agree with Demetri." Jane said, still glaring at the door.

"You do?"

Jane turned so she was facing Aurora, "I do."

Unsurely, Aurora leaned towards Jane, and connected their lips. The coldness of her made Aurora shiver, but at that moment neither of them cared at the temperature difference.

At that moment they had finally sealed the bond that bound them together for eternity.

At that moment they had finally sealed the bond that bound them together for eternity

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"Jane dear, it's time." Was all Aro said when Jane opened her bedroom door.

She nodded and stepped aside, "Come in master," she said in her monotone voice.

"Ah, Aurora! Doing well, I hope?" Aro greeted the auburn haired girl.

Aurora nodded as Jane closed the door, "Yes, I got my cookies so I'm ready."

"Good. We've had the necklace made for you and you've been assigned as Marcus' guard when you awaken."

Aurora nodded before leaning back against the pillows on the bed, "Lets get this show on the road. I'm not getting any younger." She said.

That seemed to do the trick, because just like that Jane was at Aurora's side, placing a kiss on her forehead and then lowering her mouth to Aurora's neck and biting.

All the redhead saw was the concerned face of Jane, before her vision became overrun with darkness.

Then pain.

Then pain

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