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Jane and Aurora found themselves in each other's company more often after the trip to Seattle

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Jane and Aurora found themselves in each other's company more often after the trip to Seattle. Jane was never one to be solicitous, so it was odd for any of those who saw Jane being comforting to the girl, letting Aurora lean on her for support.

Aurora had been sulking for awhile after having seen her family's worry for her, it made her feel guilty. She feared that her family would assume the letter was forged by a prankster or maybe even a kidnapper. The only thing distracting her from the guilt was Jane's presence, which overwhelmed her thoughts.

"Aurora, there is no need for you to feel this way. They practically ignored you." Jane reasoned with the girl, who had been staring dramatically out the window for awhile.

"They also gave me a place to live, a family, food, basic necessities to live." Aurora retorted, looking away from the streets of Volterra to her mate. "I can't help but feel guilty, they paid to keep me alive and I repay them by running away to Italy."

"Technically you didn't run away." Jane reminded the her, standing up and walking over to stand next the bronze haired girl. "You came to save the meals boyfriend."

"How is it that I came here to help someone and ended up being the one left behind? I mean yes, I'm happy I stayed now but I also feel guilty and miss my friends."

"You never talk about your friends." Jane said, attempting to take the conversation away from her family. "I just assumed they weren't important."

"Friends are always important Jane." Aurora said with a frown. "Didn't you have someone you were super close to? Someone you shared everything with."

"Alec." Jane stated, smiling at her brothers name, "people looked at us like we were monsters, so most tried to stay away from us."

"Oh." Aurora simply said.

"No seriously, I want to know. Who did you hang out with?"

Aurora put a finger to her chin thoughtfully, wondering how to describe everyone. "Well there was Jessica Stanley, she was kind of rude and stuck up but hilarious at the same time. She's on-and-off with Mike Newton who's very baby faced and kind of annoying."

"So you don't like them then? Don't miss them?"

"I miss the familiarness of them." Aurora defended. "I liked Angela though. She was super sweet and kind, she dated Ben who was kind of quiet, like Alec, kinda."

"Alec's not quiet." Jane said with a frown.

"He is at first, then he's low key an asshole." Aurora stated, meaning no offense, "That's how Ben was too."

"Did you have a Demetri or Felix type person there?"

"Well, Rosalie was kind of as vain and Demetri, but she was more quiet, from what I could tell Felix is kind of like Emmett, which works out because Demetri and Felix act like an old married couple."

"We do not!" Came Demetri's voice from the doorway. He stood with Felix by his side, an angered expression on his face.

"Yes you do." Alec's voice interjected  from behind the two, making them step to the side.

"Remember that time you fought over directions to Forks?" Jane said with a raised eyebrow.

"And I was right!" Demetri snapped, turning to Felix. "I don't even know why you tried arguing, not like I'm a tracker or anything."

"Oh please! I'm sure Aro would love to know about that time we ended up in Ohio when we were supposed to go to Indiana!" Felix threatened, voice rising high.

"They are right next to each other you know! I bet you couldn't even get to the throne room from here! You'd be lost without me."

"That is not true and you-"

Aurora was distracted by a jab to her side. She turned to Jane who nodded her head to the door, "This could go on for awhile."

Aurora nodded and walked to the door, which was blocked by the two bickering boys. They continued arguing but still stepped aside for the two girls, barley batting an eye. She presumed it was a common occurrence.

"Totally married," Jane muttered as she passed by, and grabbed Aurora's hand before pulling her down the hall, Alec trailing behind.



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