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The group went back to Seattle shortly after leaving the Cullen's in order to collect any belongings left at the motel

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The group went back to Seattle shortly after leaving the Cullen's in order to collect any belongings left at the motel.

Aurora brought her bags outside as she waited for everyone else. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a lamp pole plastered with papers of all kind. Lost dog, nannies, and...missing teen.

With a gasp she abandoned her bags and walked to the lamp, tearing the paper off of the pole. Her eyes scanned over it.

MISSING Forks teen Aurora Lindon has been missing since the end of last year

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Forks teen Aurora Lindon has been missing since the end of last year. She was last seen by her foster sister, Samantha Lindon, sitting on the porch. If you see this girl, please don't hesitate to call the number attached.
Hair: Bronze
Eyes: Green
Height: 5'3

Aurora choked back a sob. She knew that it might take awhile for them to realize she was gone, as the house was hectic and she tended to leave for days at a time. But they had realized, and they had begun searching for her.

"Aurora?" It was Jane. Aurora didn't respond as her hand dropped to her side and the paper drifted to the ground.

"They're looking for me." She managed to spit out turning to Jane sadly.

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