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Watching the scene pass by, Sharon couldn't help the a growl from escaping her. Looking at Cameron from the side of her eyes, she grew angrier when he didn't react. Which surprised her. She had always been even-tempered. Sometimes to a fault. But for some reason, he pushed all her buttons.

Like this morning when he had practically dragged her out of bed. She had deliberately not set an alarm so that she would over sleep. But he wouldn't allow her. He had blared loud music all over the apartment, effectively waking her up. But she had been reluctant to get out of bed. Then he had barged into her room and tried to reason with her. Reminding her of their bargain. When that didn't work, he had grabbed her and deposited her in the bathroom, turning on the shower. She had been wet, clothes and all, and spitting mad. But she had also accepted that he wouldn't let this go. So she'd sullenly showered and dressed for the interview.

"You really need better clothes,"Cameron suddenly said, startling her. She looked down at her serviceable turquoise blouse, black blazer and pants. They were perfectly fine and professional. Albeit they were quite big on her and old, something that worried her now, but how would it even affect her interview?

Pissed that he had brought that up, she turned to him and smiled sweetly. "Well, I hope they are offended by my ugly clothes and this will be moot point."

"I'm not saying they're ugly. It's just so old. I can practically see where the color is fading on that blazer. And it's so masculine. What if your interviewer is someone who likes their woman more womanly? Not that I'd like for you to be harassed but I'm just saying that you're not playing up to all your assets."

"You're right. Maybe I should have worn my lowcut but perfectly professional midi dress and shake a little bit when I speak to him or her. It'll definitely get me the job,"she said, ending with gritted teeth. Her eyes were fixed on the windscreen; she was so angry with him for poking at all her insecurities. He was bringing them all up and practically destroying them. It didn't help that she had a bit of a crush on him.

"Yeah?"he said. She was surprised to hear a bit of heat in his voice. Looking at him, she saw him giving her a very hot once over, pausing at her chest and hips. It seemed the burn her, flattered her. It also flustered her. She hadn't been the subject of a man's appreciative gaze. Not since her last relationship. And she didn't want to remember what a disaster it was.

"Cameron, eyes on the road,"she snapped as she folded her arms. "This argument is ridiculous. This is the twenty-first century. I don't have to dress up for the interviewer. I have my qualifications and experience. If that is not enough or they hire based in looks, then I don't want to work for that organisation. It's a simple as that."

"I guess that's fair,"he said on sigh.


"It's just I want you to have done your best for this interview. Well, we're here." He stopped in front of a tall building, practically a skyscraper. And it was definitely Scott's company building as the name "Garnet Corporation" was emblazoned on the front.

But she was not focused on that. She was touched by his words. Having believed he wanted her to go because of their bargain, she hadn't expected the level of care and concern he was expressing. It was more than just annoying her for the sake of annoying her. He truly wanted her to succeed. And that did something to her heart.

"Sharon, we're here."

Snapping out of her reverie, she felt her cheeks flushing. "Oh. Right. Well, thanks for sending me. I'll call you when I'm done." She unclasped her seatbelt and opened the door. Then she paused. Before she could overthink it, she turned to him and kissed his cheek. Her lips tingled from the feeling of his stubble. Face flaming, she hurriedly exited, closed the door and strode into the building.

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