31 (NEW)

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Her chest hurt, her eyes stung, her pride was smashed to the floor. Sharon was having a miserable day as it was. She didn't need to let anyone else bring her down. Barely holding in her sobs, she controlled the need to run and walked calmly out of there. Or she would have if someone hadn't grabbed her wrist.

Not again.

Tears filling her eyes and making her sight blurry, she immediately turned back and tried to break his grip. She knew it was Cameron. Who else would grab her just like that? But she had held so much in for the past few hours, beginning with the meeting from him.

And now, after this lunch, her breaking point was just a hair's breadth away. Feeling on the cusp, she wanted t get away as far as possible. There was no way she wanted to have a break down here where the others could see her.

So why wasn't he letting her go?

Instead, ignoring her push and tugs, he pulled her effortlessly into his embrace and kept her there until she stopped struggling. There was no use fighting his strength. She just had to wait until he let her go. Sullenly staring into his chest, she waited for him to speak, regretting ever agreeing to this lunch. Even now, as she waited, her tears had lost the battle and were now streaming endlessly down her cheeks. Resentment for him grew.

"Hi. Can you bring around my car?"he called out to the valet. She couldn't help kicking him. Was his car so important that he couldn't let her go first? She didn't even ask for his help. And now, his hand was rubbing down her back, as if to soothe her. Which she hated with all her heart. Which she wished she could shake off. Which she was never going to admit, not even under torture, that it indeed made her feel better. She was startled out of her thoughts when he spoke softly. "Let me take you back. That's the least I can do since I brought you here."

That was nice of him, she thought icily even as she refused to answer him. Turning her head away, she was going to pout and keep her silence when she saw some onlookers looking at him. At her. Alarmed, she returned her gaze to his chest but now, she tried to get out, pushing at his chest. But his arms only tightened. And, if she was not wrong, he brought her deeper into his arms, as if to hide her.

Hearing a car coming to a stop, she assumed it was his and was waiting for him to loosen his embrace but he didn't let her go. Confused, she looked up at him and was startled by the intense look in his eyes. And then, he walked with her to her side of the car and stood by the opening until she was in. Only then did he go to his side and drive away.

"What was that about?"she asked, pulling her seat belt on. He was looking particularly grim, weaving around traffic and ignoring the other road users.

"There were some paparazzi around. I didn't want you to be photographed by them."

"What? Oh no." She was distressed. Her relationship with him was no longer just roommates. Working with Matt, there was a professional distance that she had to keep. He was one of the agency's clients and it would look bad if one of the agency's agents was seen with their client in an intimate setting. Her mind racing, she took out her phone. "I have to let Matt know and clarify it with Holly-"

"Why Holly?"

"What do you mean "why"? She's your girlfriend. I don't want her, or the media, to misunderstand. I mean, that was such a misleading position-"

"Well, don't bother. We're not going out anymore." His tone shocked her. This was the harshest she had ever heard him talk. Not even Kathryn had been spoken about that cruelly. Wondering about that, she couldn't help but probe further.

"What do you mean? Did you break up?"she asked.

"Of course,"he said outraged. "I just told the entire table just now that we're not together anymore. That means we've broken up, right?"

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