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Sharon was rethinking the grocery shopping trip when she had to skip an aisle again. It had slipped her mind that it was a Saturday so there was quite a crowd that morning. And she was steadily growing frustrated with all the people blocking all the aisles. She wished Cameron was there so that he could distract her but, knowing that he had returned late into the night, or early in the morning, she knew he had to be tired. Now she was cursing her altruism as she entered a relatively empty aisle. Looking around, she had to repress a sigh and grabbed the first pasta sauce she saw. She almost put it back as it was her least favourite sauce but she couldn't muster the energy to care.

It felt weird not feeling his warmth beside her. She would have thought that she would enjoy this moment alone. But she would find herself looking for him at every corner and every unguarded moment. Surely she was not that attached to him. It had taken her at least two months before she missed her previous boyfriend. And she had went out with him expecting to get into a relationship.

Her brows furrowing together as she walked aimlessly, she wondered why she was feeling Cameron's absence so keenly. They had only known each other for, at most, ten days. And even though it was true that they had been in each other's presence every morning and evening, surely she didn't really miss him. It was just the human company that she missed. Almost cursing when the wheel of a cart behind her ran into her, she corrected herself. She missed the personal connection between herself and another human.

Seeing the frozen food aisle up ahead, her lips tugged up as she remembered Cameron's whining last week. Pausing in front of a fridge filled with frozen pizza, she was debating whether she should get one for him. It would be something nice to do for him, to show her appreciation for his help in getting her the position and being her chauffeur even though she had repeatedly told him she was perfectly happy commuting on her own.

Her lips tugged up when she recalled the morning Cameron had foiled her plan to join the early morning commute on her second day of work. She had woken up an extra hour early to get ready and prepare dinner. Since she had prepared the ingredients for dinner the night before and only had to toss them into the crock pot, she had taken an extra fifteen minutes with her hair and makeup. Then she had hurried to the fridge only to find it empty. Totally empty. There was nothing in the crisper, nothing in the fridge apart from the frozen food and her defrosting beef. Everything else was gone.

She had been puzzling over her missing ingredients when it had occurred to her that Cameron could have been responsible. Mad that she had wasted over half an hour, she had stormed to his room and was about to barge in when she realised that his door was locked. Becoming even more incensed, she had pounded on his door only to get no response. Shouting his name for another five minutes, she had been rewarded by a groan. That had made her shout and pound even more. Finally, the door was wrenched into the room and Cameron took its place.

Having not expected his sudden appearance, Sharon had been in the midst of stopping her next knock but the interruption to her momentum made her stumble forward and into his chest. She was stunned by the hardness of his torso and warmth he was exuding. The hardness was a nice contrast to her softness. She had been tempted to push further into him, but her senses returned in the nick of time. She had pushed away from him and with a scowl, she demanded her ingredients back. She had been surprised when he hadn't shown any indication of hearing her heart racing. The short encounter had imprinted his body into her and she wanted to be against him again.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, being cranky after being awaken at the wrong side of the bed, he had refused to let her have anything until he had the chance to get ready. She had been able to escape that situation without behaving like a fool. And he had made his point about sending her to and from work. Something she was not looking to fight against unless she had a better idea.

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