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Cameron eyed Sharon's door as he sat at the island and ate the last spoonful of surprisingly delicious chicken soup. She had been in there for the past one hour and he hadn't heard a peep. He was still puzzled by her anger. He had spent the whole dinner going over what he had said and found nothing objectionable. Maybe he shouldn't have shouted but he was getting frustrated by her reluctance to go back to Garnet Corp. Why couldn't she believe that he had her best interest in mind?

Dropping the spoon onto the bowl, the sound of the metal hitting ceramic clanging loudly in the quiet apartment. He didn't like it. He wanted the dinner they had had last night. Even though he had been trying hard to push her away, she had been less on guard and actually listened to him. Now, he couldn't speak. Every word was taken as an attack.

Which was what he wanted, right? Yet, why was he so angry, frustrated and sad? He should be rejoicing the successful outcome of his plan. Even if their interactions become more friendlier, she wouldn't try to get any closer to him. He knew his words had cut her deep, judging from what she had thrown at him earlier. Which was why he had not had high hopes for the soup or stew or whatever the delicious concoction was. He had been pleasantly surprised that he had enjoyed the meal.

Even as he debated getting another bowl, he knew he would never be able to enjoy his food if he didn't check on Sharon. She had been quite mad when she had left the kitchen and he was hoping that she wasn't doing anything that she, or he, would regret. He knew she would never take a permanent, lifeless solution but she had been alone with her phone. Knowing her, he knew she could be planning to leave and he didn't want that. He didn't care if he ran foul with Scott for chasing her away. He just wanted to take care of her. And he couldn't do that if she was somewhere he couldn't access.

Shelving the unexpected protectiveness to be looked into on another day, he let out a breath and walked into the hallway. Pausing when he reached her door, he hoped she wouldn't kill him for entering her room uninvited as he pushed it open. Luckily, it was unlocked. Puzzled when there was no screech of outrage, he hesitantly entered. And relaxed against the doorway when he saw her in her bed. From the lack of reaction, he could tell that she was asleep.

Putting his hands in his pockets, he wondered whether he should wake her up. He still had to convince her to consider the offer from Garnet Corporation. Having looked them up after they'd returned to the apartment, he was astounded by the prestige of working in the organisation. It was one of the top ten employers across several job sites and states. He hadn't known that Scott's company was that sought after. It made him more determined to make sure that Sharon worked in his company.

But, watching her shift in her sleep, moving to a more comfortable position, he sighed and knew he should let her sleep. Her sudden, intense workout this morning must have shocked her body. Her body needed the time to recover. That would also leave him time to cover his bases and come up with a foolproof argument. He might have, admittedly, been a bit hasty in bringing up the topic. For their next skirmish, he needed a more well thought out points that would convince her.

Having decided on a course of action, he got off the doorway and walked over to her bed. He wanted to cover her since she seemed to have fallen asleep without any cover. He was just so considerate like that. Looking down at her as he billowed the blanket over her body, he had to smile at her weird sleeping position. She was face down, her arms spread out at her sides, one of her legs straightened and one hooked over a pillow. He wasn't even sure she was breathing until she shifted her head to the side.

The light from the hall fell onto her face and he found himself entranced. He found himself studying her face, his eyes travelling from her cheekbones, cheekbones that the media raved about with Amelia, her pink lips that were relaxed in sleep, her short button nose and the tear trail on her cheeks-

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