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With a slight thrill of excitement, Sharon immediately began her investigations. Her first order of business was to pull up Logan's contracts. She had a hard time finding it as there was still a lot of documents to be organised. Having meant to do that in the first place, she decided to kill two birds with one stone and spend the next two days separating the piles of papers and files by the agents and teams. She didn't even have time to indulge in her usual snooping.

It was at the end of the second day that she finally found what she was looking for. Her excitement overriding her exhaustion, she forced herself to ignore the messy piles that surrounded her and immediately poured over the twenty-plus page document. But not before informing Cameron that she was staying late. He tried to convince her to bring the papers back or leave it for tomorrow but she was adamant. She needed to understand the contract as soon as possible if she wanted to help Logan.

Truthfully, she was not sure where the burning desire to help came from. She was not averse to helping anyone but despite being a pushover, she had never believed in inconveniencing herself for the sake of others. Although that worked better in theory than practice since she had often spent more time than she was willing to to "help" other, this was different.

Maybe it was the fact that Logan was being taken advantage of. She couldn't help but draw a parallel between how she was treated with how Logan was treated and the sense of injustice was pushing her forward. Or maybe it was a reaction to his youth. It had not escaped her notice that he looked to Cameron as an elder brother and Cameron was more than willing to help him. So, as an extension, she felt protective over him as well.

But the whys didn't matter. As a result of her unprecedented helpfulness, she was the last person in the office. Again.

Having scouted the place out when she had gone to get more coffee, she was glad to find that the place empty. That meant that she was able to put all her attention on the document. Doing a mini jig on her way back to her "office", she tried her best to understand the legal terms in the document as well as stay awake to get through the dryness of the contract.

"Burning the midnight oil?"

Startled by the sudden voice, Sharon immediately covered the contract with her arms and looked at the doorway. Feeling her eyes widening when she saw that it was Matt, she turned to a file to cover her reaction.

"N-not really. I just wanted to be done with this set of documents,"she responded, hoping her lie was convincing.

"Leave it for tomorrow. I'll be locking the office up in ten minutes,"he said gruffly. Sharon nodded at the file, not daring to look up. She was not used to lying and felt really uncomfortable about it. Especially to a man who had helped her so much. Hoping her eyes weren't showing any of her discomfort, she waited for him to leave. "Stop by my office before you leave. I want to talk to you."

Her heart skipped a beat. This was even worse.


Her hands clutching the straps of her handbag as she held it in front of her, Sharon made her way to Matt's office. She had not been able to get his words out of her mind since he had left. It had been a torturous three minutes as she briefly shelved some files and neatened the piles of papers on her desk. She had not been subjected to those words many times in her life but the few moments when she had, the outcome had not been in her favour.

So with her mind filling her with all that could or had gone wrong, she took a deep breath and knocked on Matt's door, entering when she heard Matt's voice. She studied his face carefully as she approached his desk. He was sitting back in his chair, his hands tenting on his waist, his eyes on his desk. There was a pensive air about him that made her nervous.

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