36 (NEW)

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Sharon didn't know what to say or think. She knew what she had done. She had just kicked out Cameron's ex-girlfriend out of the apartment. This was something the woman who had first arrived in New York would never have done but she was surprisingly fine with that. But her other emotions were a wreck.

They were in a mess of confusion, anger and regret. They had progressed from one emotion to the other but beneath it all, she had a firm conviction. She shouldn't have left the two of them alone.

Clearly, the talk hadn't gone well. It hadn't come as a surprise. She had even expected it. The break-up hadn't been as clean as he had expected. But she had been surprised at how bad it was. She had come up earlier expecting to mediate any disagreements but what she had come to weren't mere disagreement. She had come upon a threat to Cameron's life and job. Her blood had boiled. And knowing how much he was restraining himself, she felt that Holly's attack was unjustified.

While she had still been deciding on what to do to peacefully de-escalate the situation, all thoughts left her head the next moment. That had been the moment that had broken the camel's back. And that had been when Holly had openly threatened him. she had stepped in then.

Going on the offensive, she had to remind Holly who she was, who Cameron was and what the cold, harsh world could do to her. That had been enough to get Holly to back off. She had taken it a step further and left, much to Sharon's relief.

As the sound of the slamming door resounded through the apartment, confusion grew in place of the anger. She couldn't understand herself. Why had she done that? Why had she defended him? There might have been some credence when she had invoked Matt's agency but that wasn't all. Even though Cameron had told her of his feelings, she had tried her best to brush it off. Even though they had met almost every day, she had basically ignored the emotional aspects of them being together.

But as the weeks had gone by, she became used to having him all to herself. They had reverted to how it was when they lived together. So when Holly had appeared, she was hit with a sudden wave of anger followed by regret, jealousy and panic.

She was mad that this woman had cut into her alone time with him; she had been looking forward to this all week long. Cooking for herself wasn't as much fun and satisfying as it was cooking for someone who openly enjoyed her food.

Then, while he had confronted his ex-girlfriend, she regretted her cowardice. She wished that she hadn't told him about that weird noise. She wished she had gone to investigate instead. She wished they could go back to when it was just the two of them in the apartment, quarrelling over the groceries.

Because now that Cameron had seen his ex-girlfriend again, she feared that he would realize that Holly was much better than Sharon. And that fear, panic and jealousy had scared her in their own right.

It meant that she didn't want to lose him. That she didn't want to share him with anyone. That she wanted to be the only one in his eyes. She didn't know when these feelings had grown but now that they were there, any attempt to uproot them would change her fundamentally. It was like a sequoia tree had grown overnight. The roots were deeply embedded in her heart.

"That was embarrassing,"he said, sighing. She was returned to the situation at hand and couldn't help but notice the flush on the ridge of his cheekbones. She didn't know what to say, her mind in turmoil. But a part of her was able to appreciate his cute awkwardness. He was so cute, too, with his hand buried in his hair at the back of his head while his feet kicked the dust up in the carpet. Just looking at him made the maelstrom calm down,

"What do you mean?"she asked after a while.

"I wanted to take care of this on my own. But then, everything became a shit storm,"he explained, disgruntled. Hiding her smile at his colourful description of what she came into. He would always be him and she appreciated that consistency. Moving deeper into the apartment, she seated herself at the dining table.

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