28 (NEW)

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"Hey, Share-"

Sharon didn't let Scott even finish his greeting. She was too fired up by Amelia. How dared her sister kick her out? Didn't Amelia know why she came to the big city in the first place? Was all that sympathy a front? She must have sold her out. That sneaky bitch.

"Scott, do you know what happened? Of course, you know. I mean, you guys are there together. Just talk some sense into my sister. Why is she even talking to them in the first place? They are the worst of the worst and she's letting them use your place for god knows what. This is your place in the first place. Let them know you don't allow this and get them to find their own place-"

"Sharon, Sharon, hold up,"Scott shouted, making the barrage of words stop. She was stunned. This was the first time he had raised his voice at her. The normally soft-spoken Scott had shouted at her. The one other person she thought she could trust. It felt like the world was collapsing around her.

She couldn't help the tears filling her eyes again. Was she losing everyone close to her? Feeling herself falling into a deep pit, she was unprepared for his voice came back on the phone. She hadn't even realised the call was still ongoing. "Alright. I've calmed down your sister. Now, she's going to cool down elsewhere. Back to your concern- Sharon? Are you still there?"

She was so surprised that her voice was not working. Only some unintelligible noise came out in response. She was trying her best to keep her bubbling emotions under tight lid but everything was going to come out at one wrong move.

"Are you alright?"

"No,"she squeaked. Her throat felt so tight that she could barely squeeze a word out.

"Look, I know that you are not happy about them coming but my hands are tied."

"What do you mean? This is your apartment-"

"Yes, it is. But this is my mother-in-law coming. I can't just reject her."

"And you can reject me?"

"No. I am not- We are not rejecting you. I mean, we've opened the apartment to you when you came. Now, someone else needs it and-"

"I-I understand. I'll have to make room for them, right? I have to leave, right?" Her eyes had dried up as the conversation had progressed. They were as dry as the desert but she was far from fine. It felt like her entire chest was getting sucked into the black hole that was her heart. Everything was coming at her and she could not process it. Her brain was just taking in things she could process and segmenting everything else away until she could deal with them at a better time.

"Share, that's not what I mean. I know you have something against them but Amelia doesn't so-"

"So don't make it difficult for her, right? I get it, I get it. I'll get out of your hair. Don't worry. I got promoted at work so I have the money to get an apartment on my own. I'll clear everything out in a couple of days. They should get a pristine apartment when they arrive. Oh and about the rent I owe you, let me get an apartment first and work out my finances."

Ignoring Scott as he tried to call her back, she ended the call. Looking around her room expressionlessly, she had no more room within her for thoughts or emotions. Anger, despair, sadness, none of them had a place right now. All she knew was that she had to leave. And to make sure she wouldn't meet them even in passing, she had to leave by tonight.


First off, Sharon had to inform Matt that she wouldn't be in for the next couple of days. Since a hotel was out of the question, she had to find an apartment ASAP. That meant living out of her suitcase in a dingy motel, scouring the "Room for Rent" section and visiting the rooms for the next couple of days. It might even take weeks.

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