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Looking at the plastic bag full of chinese food, Cameron knew he had to call Sharon out. This was her dinner as well as his but he felt a reluctance. An anxiety that he had never felt with a woman. He might have felt nervous, a sense of uncertainty with women after high school. But once he knew that woman liked how he looked and his chosen profession, that had gone away. This gut-wrenching, sweat-inducing apprehension was new though.

A flash of creamy white expanse of thigh, full breasts and he shook his head. He knew who it was and when he had seen it but he still couldn't believe the strength of his attraction to her. He who had been "The model-killer" by his teammates and friends. His distinctive preference of models and women who could have been models had been noted by the press and every person who followed football. He liked their sleek body, their height and their sexual drive. In a pinch, he'd go for women with model-like physique. Blond, brunette, redhair, none of that mattered.

So why was a short, fat woman making his dick twitch?

Groaning, he tried to get his dick to behave. It didn't help that his mind was intent on engraving Sharon's body into his brain.

"Why didn't you call me when the food arrived? I'm starving."

Turning his body towards the dining table and making sure his hardon was not noticeable, he hurriedly took out the food.

"I wanted to get everything ready before I called you. You know, to apologise for, you know, just now,"he said as he opened the boxes. Realising what he just said, he almost crushed a box of chow mein. Why did he have to bring it up? Now, she was sure to know that his mind had been on her. In the towel. She must be thinking he wanted her. Which he didn't. Or maybe he was overthinking it.

"I'm sure you must be used to walking in on women in lesser cover than me,"she said with a blush as she set the plates and cutleries on the dining table. Blushing? His eyes were fixed on her red cheeks and widened when they turned brighter under his gaze. "Cameron, is everything alright?"

"Y-yeah,"he said, taking a seat across her. She began serving herself some fried rice and pork but his mind was light years away from dinner. He was having an internal breakdown. He was horrified to realise that he was delighted about her interest. No, no, no. He didn't want her to like him. He had to do something. "So, Sharon, what's your opinion about exercising?"

"Not a big fan of it. Why?"she asked as she shoved a heaping spoonful of rice into her mouth. Like a glutton, he hurriedly tacked on in his mind. Her cheeks were bulging with the amount of food she was eating. He should be disgusted. He liked the refined manners of his dates. Their elegance and grace. Thus watching Sharon's ungainly enjoyment of the food should be a turn off. He shouldn't be liking the way she taking delight in her food.

"Cameron, are you sure you're alright? Your staring is starting to creep me out."

Startled out of his thoughts, he realised he'd been looking at her and commenced eating. What was wrong with him? Even though he had never taken note of his date's eating habits, he was sure he had not watched them like he was watching Sharon. Meals were just a way to get to know them better and to set the stage for seduction. The meal itself wasn't the star of the show. But, with Sharon, he had the feeling that the meals would always be the highlight. And, for some reason, he liked that.

"You're being too quiet,"Sharon suddenly said, setting down her cutleries. She was looking at him with concern and he was sure she was going to keep asking until she got to the bottom of whatever was affecting him. He didn't want her to delve into it. So he blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

"I was just thinking about the gym at the other side of the building. Scott told me that it can only be accessed by the penthouse occupants and we could use it if we wanted,"he said. He was glad when her face scrunched up. He had successfully diverted her mind away.

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