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Settling into the chair beside Sharon, Cameron was almost to the end of his patience with her. Eyeing her from the side of his eyes, he wondered why she was so cold and angry with him. She was quiet during the entire trip and any question he asked, she'd answer in monosyllables. She wouldn't even look at him and he didn't like it.

He wanted, no needed, to know why but reluctance kept his mouth shut. As much as he was concerned about her, a part of him needed the distance between them. It was the only thing that was keeping him sane. Because his mind and body were working against him. He had been shocked to realise he had been dreaming about her in that small pink towel when he woke up.

He had been dreaming about getting that towel off. But she kept evading his grasp. Laughing, his dream Sharon would tease him by lifting the edges up, showing more of her thighs but stopped before it showed the more interesting parts. Then she'd appear in another part of the room. It both frustrated and tantalised him. It wasn't a surprise when he woke hard and aching.

Shifting in his seat, he cursed under his breath as his body reacted to his thoughts. Turning slightly away from Sharon, he waited, and willed, his body to calm down.

"Are you alright?"

Hearing the concern in Sharon's voice, he couldn't help the burst of joy which he had a hard time not showing on his face. When he managed to get his emotions in order and turned to her, she looked as she did in the car. Eyes cold, face expressionless, her face resolutely facing the window across the table. Disappointment filled him and he didn't even try to fight it. As his eyes studied the profile she presented to him, he was starting to accept that he cared about her feelings.

"Yeah. I'm fine,"he said gruffly. Sharon was not a small woman. Not by anyone's imagination. Not a slim one either. She was wide and padded all over, her figure and lush curves obscured by her baggy clothes. And usually, he wouldn't even notice her. But for some reason, maybe it had something to do with their proximity, he was starting to like them. Like her. And he didn't know whether he liked this change.

But what he did know was that he didn't like hurting her as he'd done last night. He knew weight was a sensitive subject for most women. It was definitely one for Sharon, based on how she'd acted last night. He had also heard her after she'd come back from the gym, cursing him and whoever had invented all those gym equipments. He knew she thought she was quiet but, with the penthouse being so high up, in a silent apartment, sound travelled. So he knew how she had taken his words to heart.

He found that, as he heard her make her way to her room, he didn't want that. As he had admitted to himself that he liked the way she looked,he also didn't want her to change. Not if it was not her choice. He wanted to know the person she was starting to show behind the polite facade. Her exhaustion last night had been a peek and he wanted more. But he knew he had to get past this icy reserve before she would even open the doors to him again.

"Thank you for meeting me at such short notice, Miss Ashwood,"Matt said as he took a seat across them. He laid down a small stack of documents on his table as his eyes turned onto Cameron. "You didn't tell me you're bringing Mr Ballard."

"I didn't. He's like a leech. He won't go away,"Sharon grumbled, making Cameron's lips lift up slightly. There's the snippy Sharon he knew. No ice in sight.

"Well, since I'm here to make your life better, I don't see how that can constitute being a "leech","Cameron said reproachfully. He felt triumphant when she turned to him, her eyes blazing. Their eyes met, green clashing into gray, and he had to consciously hide the smug smile that was curving his lips.

"I don't know. I think the definition of a leech is a person, let's say a man, sticking to someone even though she had made it clear that she doesn't want or need your presence,"she said archly. Then her eyes went from the top of his head to his feet and back to his eyes, one of her eyebrows lifted. "I think that is what we have right now."

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