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The office was bustling with people moving in and out of the meeting rooms. Some were meeting clients while others had a discussion with their peers. Sharon had just had one of those discussions and was heading back to her desk.

A long breath escaped her as she dropped onto her chair. The afternoon had been so busy that she barely had time to think, much less breathe. Now that the day was almost over, she could finally catch a breather.

Spinning lazily in her chair, she looked around her cubicle listlessly and caught movement around her peripheral. Ignoring her colleagues, her eyes were continually checking on the time. She couldn't wait for the day to end. Meeting Amelia in the middle of the day was a mistake. She had just spoiled her entire afternoon. Why had she even agreed to do that?

Cursing her brilliant plan, she stopped the spinning. Her eyes happened to land on her phone and her curiosity was aroused when she saw the notification light. Wondering who was trying to contact her, she was reaching out but stopped.

It occurred to her that it could very well be her sister. A lot of things could be said about Amelia and persistent was one of them. Hesitant, she was thinking about checking it later but her curiosity, once aroused, wouldn't be ignored. Disgruntled, she hurriedly unlock her phone.

What greeted her made her pause. It made her question her eyesight. She was surprised. No, shocked was a better description. There was so many missed calls. All of them were made some time during that afternoon. If that wasn't enough, they all came from the same person. They were all from Cameron.


In his empty apartment, Cameron stared unblinkingly into his ceiling. He was in his room, laying in his bed and hadn't moved an inch since he'd returned. He had stayed in the same position for hours. And while, usually, that would cause some body aches, his mind was elsewhere. It was drifting in a sea of nothingness where thoughts of his bedroom ceiling and Sharon would sometimes emerge.

Speaking of Sharon, his hands moved in a familiar pattern. He no longer had to look at the screen. He had done this so many times this afternoon. As he had done before, he was tryng to call her.

In these moments, he would be suffused with hope. Hope that she would finally pick up, that he could finally hear her voice, that he could finally talk to her. Hope which had been dashed so many times before. But that didn't stop him. Nothing would stop him. Not when he was desperate for her.

Resting his phone on his stomach, he put the call on speaker and allowed the ringing tone to fill the room. Even though he was hopeful, he was also anxious. He both wanted her to pick up and not. He both wanted to hear her voice and not. He both couldn't wait to talk and didn't. He didn't know what to feel.

As he was struggling with his emotions, the call ended without her picking up. Relief and cripping disappointment both fought for dominance while he placed his phone back on the bedside table and turned on his side.

He knew he was being contrary. But he couldn't help it. His mind was hiding a deep internal turmoil. And this was changing the very core of his being. This was making him question himself. This was making him look at himself.

Hugging a pillow, he wondered why this news had such a deep impact. Honestly, it shouldn't have been a surprise. He had postponed his treatment for so long that it was a given that he wouldn't recover fast enough. Even though he had made good progress, he was still a long way for training camp.

He knew that and yet, a part of couldn't help but hope. If that wasn't enough, it had been a big part of him that had hoped for the impossible. And why wouldn't he? Looking at the past, it hadn't taken him long to recover. In fact, one of his worst injuries had taken his much faster to heal than now.

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