34 (NEW)

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The sun was high in the sky. The streets were thronging with tourists and office workers. Both of them were on the search for quick meals to tide over the afternoon. Sharon, of course, was eating lunch at the diner again. As usual, it was busy and loud, enticing scents were drifting into her nose. As usual, she was shoving food right into her face. And, as usual, Cameron was eating right in front of her.

Now that she was settled into her new apartment, she was able to establish a routine similar to when she had been in Scott's apartment. It had been tough at first as she had to squeeze in a morning jog as well. She had to exercise but it was difficult to do it as she had used to. There was the lack of equipment and funds to actually join a gym. But slowly, she was making it work.

With that out of the way, she could fully focus on her job. Returning to office after literally being dragged out by Cameron, the office had been looking at her in suspicion. Many were questioning her credentials as it was clear that she was close to Cameron and Logan. They were watching her every move, listening to her every word, judging her every action.

At first, it was unnerving but she eventually got used to it. And it helped that Cameron came by to accompany her for lunch every single day. Without fail, whether it was rain or shine, he would be waiting for her at the lobby and they'd head to the diner. While she was admittedly peeved at his insistence at first, she got used to this arrangement. It gave them the time to talk, like they used to. Although time was extremely limited, this break was much needed.

Only now, as the third week of them doing this rolled around, she was beginning to get concerned about his health. Since they were only meeting for lunch, the only meal she knew he was eating was lunch. She had no idea what he was eating for his other meals. Knowing him, though, she had a feeling it was similar to what he ate during lunch. Greasy, artery-clogging rubbish. She wondered whether it was her place to worry but she worried regardless.

This was the fourth day he had accompanied her. It had all started the day after they returned from the short trip. Even though she knew it was delicious, they wouldn't exactly be the poster boy for healthy eating. Knowing what she did now about the way athlete's trained, she wondered whether this was going to affect him.

As much as she enjoyed this time with him, she still wondered what he was doing there. Trying to keep the frown from her face, she had thought that they were done after her clear distrust that afternoon. On top of that, after that unexpected visit from her sister, she had been more than ready to cut off anyone related to her. That also included Cameron.

But as much as she wanted to chase him away again, she just couldn't. She'd wanted to when he had followed her the past few times but the words died in her throat. Was it because of what he said in Atlantic City? She had no idea.

Even though she wanted to forget about him, in the depths of the night, those words always came back, as if haunting her. And she couldn't help the longing that filled her. Despite what he had done, she had never stopped liking him. Her feelings were just buried under all the bad things that had happened in a bid for self-preservation.

But they couldn't stay buried for long. Even though she was mad at him, he was always there. No matter how much she wanted to push him away, he always returned. And if she was being honest, he had been there for her when she needed someone the most. Even now, he was still there for her but in his own unique way. That short getaway was one such example.

She wasn't sure what her feelings for him were but she managed to settle something within her heart. That last thing she had wanted was to see the man who had deceived her. Just thinking about Tony had made her heart beat in anger and pain. She had thought these feelings would remain for the rest of her life but that lunch made her see him in a new light.

Accidental Roommate (NEW)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz