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Sharon couldn’t move, couldn’t speak. Anger gripped her hard. It was taking all her control to keep her hands to herself. In her mind, she kept telling herself “Assault is punishable by law” but as much as she wanted to leave without any other incident, there was no telling what she was going to do. She was literally shaking.

A part of her was surprised by the strength of her rage. This was the angriest she had ever felt in her entire life. Nothing had ever come close. Not even when she found out Tony had been seeing Jasmine behind her back. Not even when she found out everyone around her knew and had kept it away from her. Not even yesterday when she had been boxed in and harrassed. 

But knowing how these people were, she knew releasing her wrath wasn’t going to do much. She might feel a sense of justice and satisfaction but this was just going to create more problems. That was not to say that she wasn’t already in trouble, she reminded herself after hearing a disgusting sniffle. Flicking a look at Jasmine, she had to roll her eyes at the way she was acting like the biggest victim. 

It was almost vomit-inducing how she was surrounding herself with those bridesmaids of hers. They were like a barrier, keeping the princess away from anything that could harm her. When, in actuality, they were like vipers, whispering poisonous nonsense to the weak-minded. Sharon couldn’t help overhearing snippets of their conversation and her lips lifted at how they were all demonizing her. It was comical compared to their behavior just minutes earlier.

But remembering how she had been, she couldn’t help but cringe when she recalled how she hadn’t been much different from them just months earlier. Back then, it hadn’t mattered if she knew what exactly happened or who was involved, she would always side with Jasmine. It was disgusting to recall how blinded she had been.

“It’s time to go,”she said, looking up at Cameron. Just being back her was bad for her. She needed to distance herself from this unfortunate memory. 

“Sharon Tilda Ashwood, you are not going anywhere.”

Not even her mother. Ignoring her mother’s shrill cries once again, she looked up at Cameron. Only to realise he had gone down the deep end.

“Your middle name’s Tilda?”he asked, mirth in his eyes. Ignoring the way her cheeks heated up at that embarrassing name, she scowled at him. 

“Not important right now. Go and start the car,”she said, waving her fingers to shoo him away. Ignoring his laugh and glad that he was feeling much better, she waited for him to get in. The car was already unlocked but she didn’t dare to go in right until they were about to leave. There was no telling what this bunch could do. 

“Jasmine. Oh my god, what happened?”

She was surprised to hear a familiar voice but thinking again, that was expected. What husband wouldn’t want to know what happened to their missing bride? And now that she was the very picture of despair, who wouldn’t run to their bride’s rescue? Sharon didn’t hear what Jasmine said, caught int her husband’s embrace but her voice was full of tears and her mascara must be streaming down her face.

But in this case, the bride was the one who went out of her way to make trouble. It wasn’t like Sharon was the one to look for her. She was here, in the parking lot of the bed and breakfast. There was no way anyone was going to accuse Sharon of creating problems. They could try but she wasn’t going to take it lying down.

Or, to be more accurate, she wasn’t going to be here at all. Once Cameron starts the car, she was going to say goodbye to this town for good. If Jasmine was still fixated on her, she was jolly well going to find her.

Yes, anytime now. Once the car starts, this town was just part of her history. Anytime…. Now……

Wondering what was taking him so long, she was surprised to see that he was just sitting in the car, looking at her. thinking he was waiting for her, she tried to open the door but it wouldn’t open. Tugging at the handle repeatedly, she refused to think about why he was doing this. Even when he gave her a firm look, she refused to look behind. She had to be strong.

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