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“So what did you want to talk about?”Sharon asked as she prepared dinner. She was still embarrassed about her crying jag in the car and had been avoiding him the entire afternoon. But the approaching evening as well as her loud stomach made her venture out of her room. Cameron had joined her a few minutes after she had decided on what to cook. That was when she had remembered his sudden sombreness over the phone earlier this afternoon.

“What?”he asked, his voice muffled from the big bite of the apple he had just taken. He looked so cute when he was confused, she noticed with a smile, even as she reminded him of the conversation that they had had over the phone in the supermarket. She was surprised when a sad and angry look entered his eyes even as they hardened. She had seen him angry before but it had been a more fiery. This was different. This was a colder type of anger, something she wouldn’t want to be directed to her.

“Are you alright?”she asked, pausing in her chopping of the bell peppers. He nodded and took another bite of the apple but she wasn’t convinced. It was clear that whatever he wanted to talk about was eating up at him. But she knew that she couldn’t push him. Unless he was ready to talk about it, any pestering would just make him clam up more. So, consciously pushing her curiosity and concern away, she continued in her meal preparations. Since it was a simple spaghetti with tomato arrabbiata sauce, fried chicken cutlet with some salad, it didn’t take long.

Taking out her pre-made tomato sauce, she began to start with the cooking when Cameron spoke. “Logan told me that his agent is stealing from him.” She was shocked. Shutting of the electric stove, she turned her full attention to him. He was leaning against the island, facing her, and staring on the ground. He didn’t even react when she turned fully to him, waiting for him. From his silence, she had to wonder whether she had imagined what she had heard so she waited for him to continue. When he didn’t say anything else, she reluctantly returned to the stove. This time she didn’t even have time to do anything before he continued.

“He said that it had only been small, easily-overlooked amounts in the beginning but more recently, the differences are very noticeable.” Turning back to him, Sharon found her brows furrowing. She thought back to what she knew about such deals and contracts.

“Isn’t the amount agreed upon before he even signs the contract?”she asked.

“They are.”

“Then why do you say that she is stealing-”

“He gets emails about some other costs that has to be covered like makeup and outfits and whatever,”he said angrily, the remains of the apple in his hand making squishing sounds as he tightened his grip on it. That cheered her slightly since she was beginning to get worried from his monotonous voice. Cameron was always full of life so she was not used to him shutting down. Even when he was not doing anything, he exuded a certain liveliness.

But she didn’t have time to revel in his show in life because he suddenly threw the apple into the bin and, even though he clearly missed, she could tell that he was truly seeing what was happening in the present. His mind was still focused on the subject at hand, which further fueled her worry.

“That’s impossible. The contract clearly states what is to be used for what purpose and Matt’s company does not bear the cost the makeup and outfit. It is all borne by the company,”she said as she delved further into what she recalled and had accidentally read when she had been filing. And by accidentally, she meant she had totally meant to read it. In doing so, she gained a bit more insight into the sports world and was becoming too fascinated with it.

“Then why is he so sure that he’s being cheated?”he shouted as he slammed his fist on the island. The suddenness made her jump and, as much as she knew he wouldn’t truly hit her, she couldn’t help the fear that filled her. She found herself folding her arms and leaning slightly away from him. She knew he couldn’t see her since he was facing the living room, eyes blinded in his anger. But, even as a part of her questioned her conviction, her arms were itching to hold him. This was clearly something he was struggling to comprehend, absorb. It was telling how hard he was taking it since he had the better part of the day to handle it and, clearly, he was not taking it well.

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