The Voice

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Nico sings Stay, cover by Twenty One Two, and I feel like Nico would sound sort of like this. He (Nico) also plays the keyboard on The Voice, b/c why not. Or, go listen to Adam Lambert's version, the channel is Hermes .K (fitting, right? Hermes? . . No? Oh well).

Nico could feel the mic inches away from his lips that were moving on their own, the world's flowing easily.
His eyes had fluttered shut, his fingers trailing over the keys, playing the song. He took a deep breath, before beginning to sing.

"All along it was a fever,
A cold sweat hot-headed believer,"
His hands kept moving on the keys.
"I threw my hands in the air, said, 'Show me something',
He said, 'If you dare, come a little closer,'"
Nico's hands pressed into the keys, losing himself in the song.
"Round and around and around and around we go,
Oh now, tell me now, tell me now, tell me now you know,
Not really sure how to feel about it,
Something in the way you move;
Makes me feel like I can't live without you,
It takes me all the way
I want you to stay,"

Will watched from backstage, a small, smile on his face, his eyes transfixed on the raven haired boy.
"It's not much of a life you're living
It's not just something you take it's given,
Round and around and around and around we go,
Ooh now, tell me now, tell me now, tell me now you know,
Not really sure how to feel about it
Something in the way you move
Makes me feel like I can't live without you
It takes me all the way,
I want you to stay,"
The judges looked at each other, and Christina slammed her palm on the red button, only for nothing to happen. The other judges laughed, and Christina made an annoyed noise.
"Ooh, ooh, ooh, the reason I hold on,
Ooh, ooh, ooh, 'cause I need this hole gone,
Funny you're the broken one but I'm the only one who needed saving,
'Cause when you never see the light it's hard to know which one of us is caving,
Not really sure how to feel about it,
Something in the way you move;
Makes me feel like I can't live without you,
It takes me all the way,
I want you to stay," As he elongate the word stay, he heard buttons slam, but ignored it.
"I want you to stay,"

Back stage, Will had sunk to his knees, hand over his mouth, partially covering his smile, as he watched three chairs turn around, the floor lighting up white. The host laughed gently, grinning down at the blonde.
"He's amazing."
Will nodded, grinning up at the screen. "He deserves this. He's worked so hard."
Will watched the judges reactions, an amused smile on his face. The judges reacted with a mix of shock, not expecting the punk boy in front of them.

Nico wore his usual clothes, but wore wore jeans without rips. They were still black. His black fake gauges (Will not letting him get real ones), and the black lip ring glinting on the stage. His black leather jacket hugged his muscular form, and his undercut hair floppy, and curling under the hot lights.

"I want you to stay." Nico's eyes opened slowly, and he stepped back from the microphone, as the stadium erupted in applause. The judges stood up, Christina having to stand with her stomach facing the back of her chair, her chair still not moving.
Nico blushed, his pale yet olive skin flushing a light pink, his ears turning red.

Nico gave Adam a head nod, still slightly overwhelmed.
"What's your name?" Blake asked, leaning on one elbow.
"Nico Di Angelo."
The judges blinked, hearing his Italian accent for the first time.
"You have a bit of an accent, don't you?" Will Pharrell asked, and Nico shrugged.
"Just a bit." Nico let his accent slip more, and laughter was heard.
"So, tell us about yourself. Also, my chairs broken, but I hit my buzzer first."
"Ok, I'm eighteen years old-"
"Eighteen? You have an incredible voice for only eighteen." Adam spoke for the judges.
"Thank you. Um, I, I didn't have the best life." Nico but his lip, his gaze bouncing around the room, steeling himself for the story he was about to tell.
"I was born in Italy, hence the accent," There was quiet laughter, before it quieted.
"When I was three, my mother died in an explosion at the hotel we were staying at. My dad and older sister were in the lobby, getting ready to leave, and she had to rub back to the room, and the entire floor blew up."
The audience was dead silent, and the host was staring, shocked.
He turned to Will. "Is this true?"
Will nodded sadly. He's stood back up, watching the TV grimly.

"After that, my father was barely in our lives. Later, when I was, I want to say, eleven or twelve, my older sister died in an accident when she was seventeen, a drunk driver slammed into her, and her car slid off a cliff ledge."
Nico closed his eyes, stopping the tears from falling. "But then I found out about Hazel. It turns out, she's my half sister. She's my dad's daughter, and I took her in when her mom died.
Not long after I found Hazel, I met someone that is my whole world. I honestly don't know what I'd do without him."
Will grinned, hand gripping the small box in his pocket, pride being given off in waves.
"Will's my everything." Nico finished, smiling at the thought of the blonde.

The judges smiled, glad Nico had found someone. "How'd you get into singing?"
"I'd always been able to sing, but never sang in front of someone. I learned the piano when I saw three, and have been playing since then. It wasn't exactly my idea to come tonight. . ." Nico laughed softly, even his chuckle melodious.
"Will walked in on me playing the piano and singing, so he decided to be my voice coach, and signed me up for this, before telling me. I know, he's a genius." Nico rolled his eyes at the sarcastic comment, laughter from the audience.

"Alright, Nico, it's your decision. Out of all four of us, who do you want to be your coach?"
Nico bit his lip at the question Will Pharrell asked.
"I'm, um,"
The couches shouted things at him, laughing at each other as they bantered.
"I choose; Christina." Nico said, a small smile on his face.

"Yes!" She jumped off her chair, and ran up the stage. She pulled the onyx hair boy into a hug, Nico tensing slightly, as he awkwardly hugged back. She led him down the stage, and whispered to him, "I want to meet this Will. Wait for me back stage, I gotta get my chair fixed first."
Nico blushed but nodded, shaking hands with the other judges, before walking down the hall, ignoring the camera that followed him, giving it a bright smile, before turning away from it.

Nico ran to the back room, pushing the door open, and falling into Will's arms. The blonde held him tightly, his face buried in the shoulder of his boyfriend.
"Dio, merda god, shit Will," Nico continued to blubber, his grip only tightening on Will's shirt.
Will swayed slightly, only half listening to his boyfriend ramble. He took a deep breath. It was now or never.

Nico heard the serious tone and froze. "Yeah?"
Will pulled back, looking at him. His eyes searched Nico's, and he took a step back. "I have a question for you."
Nico nodded, looking curious and unsure.
"Nico, since I've met you my life has been incredible. I can't imagine myself without you. I'm so proud of you I feel like I'm going to burst into rainbows,"
Nico laughed, but it died as he watched Will get into one knee.
"I know that I'm only nineteen and you're eighteen, but, Nico Di Angelo, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" Will held up the box, to a shocked Nico.
Nico fell to his knees, tugging Will's face to his, pressing a kiss to Will's lips.
"Yes, cazzo, fuck yes!"
Will slid the ring onto his left hand, placing a kiss in his palm.

There was a squeal, and Christina ran into the room.
"I can't believe I witnessed that!"
Nico turned red, and hid his face in Will's chest, while Will only grinned, not embarrassed at all.
He had nothing against PDA, public display of affection unlike his boyfr-fiance.
Will stood, pulling Nico with him. Nico still didn't show his face, and Will wrapped his arms around the shorter boy's waist.
"So, you're Will."
Will nodded, shaking Christina's hand around Nico, who hadn't moved. "Nice to meet you."

Nico sat in the car, still shocked. Will closed Nico's door, and walked to the driver's seat, sliding in and buckling his belt. Before he could drive anywhere, Nico reached and turned his face towards him. His pale yet olive tinted fingers twirled into the shaggy blonde curls tugging Will closer to him.
Nico pressed his lips to Will's, unafraid to show affection without a camera and people around.
Nico's lips moved against Will's with the same knowledge they had when he sang, his body knowing how to react without his mind having to think about it.
The passion was fiery, but the meaning was clear.
I love you.

So, what'd you guys think?

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